Little Children, Friends and family

If there is one thing I have always noticed, little children have always seemed to get attached to me, and I mean really attached. I do like children as I can feel their power.
I was taking to a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in a while.
She is now a school teacher in Harlem, and I asked her how is it maturing you,
What is important to you,
Her answer captured something I have thought all my life...that other people tend not to get,

Here is what she said,

"education, upliftment, truth, consciousness... b, when u teaching little
kids, whatever u tell them is the gospel, so u just need to make sure that
whatever u teach is coming from a real positive place. and only a positve
person and be coming from a positive place. so i had to put a lot of folly
aside, and concentrate on what is really important"

What more interesting is she calls herself "lioness". You see the vision of her protecting her children?

Yeah, this can extend even further to older persons, and adults. You know what I have found, in these last few months of really working to control my thoughts and think positive?
Adults want to have things coming from a real and positive place. This reality was released to me by the way I was treated
when I left my former place of employment.
Truly fascinating stuff, and quite fulfilling. Its good to be a force of positive influence in another's life, even if from a
Its powerful when u don't judge them, simply be a source of positive energy. Have to say I met a lady that loves cats that has a deep understanding of this.
This blog has allowed me to find an outlet to pass a positive energy out into the world.

I am excited about a friend of mine website which is going to be out there soon. All info is classified at this point.

How interesting life is, another friend of mine called me today to give the news of a child on the way. All info also classified at this point. This is also exciting to me.

Another good friend of mine will be back in the island soon for good.

Oh wow, hey I almost forgot my sister wants to go on a mission to the Middle East.
Yes, yes, for those reading who don't know who my sister is, she is Tamika Graham, Barbados Scholar, currently studying International Business at Aston University in England.
She will need to raise some funds for this. More info on this breaking news story that is not classified later!

What is interesting too, I reached a point in D'Journey where its not all about me!

Life is good, When? All the time!

Corey Graham
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Tired of Potential Energy

All my life is have heard that I have potential, or this project that I am working on has a lot of potential,
With my new energy paridym I am realising more and more that my greatest desire at this point in my life is to transfer all this potential into suceesses.
No longer will I keep voltage (potential energy) stored inside me, hold back for the right time that is never a defined date, I will simply discharge it.
A good analogy for this is to
"Think of a person as a battery, you can keep potential energy for years, with it slowly decaying with time, and all that is needed, is
- the right contacts connected,
- the right machinery,
and just like that your energy can power the simple switch which will change lives for generations to come." Corey Graham

Corey Graham
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Self Examination

I have another deeply interlaced limitator, or rather a habit.

Well I am now to the final chapter of that all time classic "think and grow rich" by Napolean Hill. This is one of the most quoted books I have ever come across. Its very recognised, by persons who are also authors of all time classics.

Anyways the last chapter deals with fear, it states that this is the major sticking point to persons wanting to make a fortune. They need to overcome it.
The book states, Fear is something that we develop. Its starts with a particular way of thinking.
Here are the 6 major fears that people encounter on their daily walk. Actually the book says all fears can be linked back to one or more of the following.

Now my realisation is in regard to the fear of lost love. This is one particular one that I was totally obivious to. From family to friends to gf. I have been one to always rather make up for any misunderstandings.
"I love the daying don't let the sun go down on your disagreements"

Now I am not saying that this I necessarily a bad way of approaching life, but your motives for doing it have to be inline. Doing it out of a fear of losing a friend, a brother, a significant other is definately not the best motive. In fact I guess it relates back to your self image.

Having this blog has been able to grow my self image in a tremendous way. As it allows me to have a voice that is out there for anyone who is willing to read it. I will admit that I am also slowly over coming the fear of being judged for my inner thoughts, but we always said this blog was about getting out of my comfort zone. Hey actually let's say it this way, this blog is about me creating a new comfort zone!

So its important to have a strong self image when you are in any type of relationship with others, from business to personal. Its the only way to experience growth in a significant way. Its the only way that allows you to really care for others. I have been realising that of late I have been much more willing to be a listening ear or some source of comfort for persons having challenging times in life., and as equally helping them to enjoy their triumphts.

Check out the blog post on Energy!
(Wow a reference to another article- D'Blog is really growing)

Just remember fear all starts out with a simple thought. Thinking about it makes it larger+larger. It makes more negatives. Think about what u want,creation+growth, get the postive energy coming toward u.

Control your thinking and your mindsets.
Channel the energy coming at you.

Love Corey

Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Sky is the limit

For the first time in my life I can say that I am beginning to feel that the sky is the limit.
I am really beginning to realise that with dedication, passion and desire that anything is possible.
Yes I know many would be shocked a bit by this, but its true. Deep down inside, I have been actually preventing myself from soaring.
A lot of times those around us that love us and intend the best for us start thinking along a line which will not get us to the sky. To get ready to fly. They cause us to talk ourselves out of or passions. And the saddest thing sometimes is that we might not know how much it affects us. Can you imagine that! even if you are "rebelling" against their thinking, they can still limit you greatly from acheiving your dreams. And it really comes to the forefront when you are tired, or stressed out, sometimes right at the time when you just needed to go for 1 more week, 1 more month!
Yeah we need to learn to give ourselves permission. LEARN TO GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO ACHEIVE GREAT THINGS. To do new things.
YOU have to give yourself permission because no one else will give it to you.

Yeah, this is a breakthrough moment for me.
The next thing I am realising more and more, we have to learn to deal with the passing of time.
" A watch pot never boils"
Focusing on your goals! Hey today, right now, look at your new years resolutions. I know some of you might not have made any, but think of the holiday season, and see what things you were considering accomplishing.
How has your time passed ?

How have you been dealing with the passage of time, hey don't feel bad, if you haven't accomplished any of them yet, just know that from today you can more actively go after these dreams.
Do it today, do it now. Just do it!

The most significant lesson I learnt is that mind gets what it orders. Like you don't go to a restuarant and order chicken and expect pork to return!!!! So don't set-up yourself for failure!
Order success today!
And remember learn to deal with the passage of time!!
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,


Life can only be described by the transfer of energy. The human being is a transformer in this process. We can change energy into a more useful form or destructive form. Corey Graham.

Good Day everyone,
I trust that you are doing well!
I am in the best place of my life so far, where I am able to see how I can progress to dreams I had since I was very young. I honestly felt that many of the principles and thinking I had when I was young are the ones I need now. This is as I relates to teamworkn creation of new ways of doing things and the law of attraction.
I have to honestly say that over the years many of these principles were challenged by persons who were older than me and knew better!
I'll say what I have found is that there is not one single philosophy that will work in life. Its up to you to find what you connect with and work to master it, and grow out ur comfort zone.
When you do this you will be better able to convert energy in ways that will be useful to you and others...
Here is an example, we all know of the success stories in sports. Many times coachs are challenged to decide how to spend the energy of his players in a given situation.
In some cases there is a strong energy in the form of excited fans cheering,
In others there is the fear of failing, that can take over an entire nation when the outcome of the game is not looking so good.
In this case, its the decisions the human body make that can transfer the energy being generated in the situation to more useful energy or destructive energy.

things in life are far more complex than this but monitoring how you are transferring your energy. You change many things that are bothering you.

Be the change you want to see in the world!
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Personal Visualization

It is now for the first time in my life that I have been able to focus my strong creative imagination to visualise my goals and aspirations.
Yes, I have had dreams, I have big dreams but it is the first time I am able to visualise the entire feel, smell and taste of a dream or goal.
And I believe that this blog has helped me in doing this, mainly by providing and outlet for my voice. I find myself feeling a greater sense of self esteem and self worth.
Yes, I believe this was a personal barrier of mine. Its something that has been building for years, the symdrome of wanting to be cool, and fit in.
You know my ideas have always made me a bit different than the prevailing wind of the day. And I allowed myself to limit my interaction with the world based of if I would be accepted or not. And this soon became a habit, and though I overcame a large portion of it, my deep inner motives were still defined by wanting to be accepted.
This blog has helped to justify its role in my life by being the outlet for many of my thoughts and philosophies on life.
I was challenged as to why not just write a journal, but I realise now, yes, today in my breakthrough moment that this blog challenges me to step out there and be who I am.
This blog is a essentially the conversion tool which releases my energy into the world.

Replacing that old habit with one of growth.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Closing a Chapter

Yesterday was my final day at NCO Financial Services, to allow me to go back full time into entertainment working with Boomtribe.

Now I have taken this step as it brings me closer to my goals of being able to enhance caribbean culture.

More on that later.

But this one is about NCO. I started out NCO at a place in my life where I been trying various things in business and they didn't quite work out for me, and I needed money, wisdom and confidence in myself fast.
NCO was the place I found refuge. With my first pay check, I bought 3 business books, that helped to set me on a firm grow trend. I was then promoted in less than 3 months, to the post of RTA.
This was a post that helped me to realise my some of my potential, forcing me to develop systems and ways of excuting tasks, that was really fulfilling. I learnt that the "perfect" system, developed in the vacuum of your head was a very much ineffective way of getting things to work. Designing systems which took into account the people involved and getting ideas from them to be a far superior system to the "perfect" system.

I found my abilities to present data in a way which was usable was another passion. Mircosoft Excel became my tool for communicating the problems which were being created. I grew from strength to strength in doing this. This was most certainly my strength.

Hmm, after getting the basic systems in place I realised that as the centre grew and the problems became more complex that I had to apply sometimes zero-lined focus to one task. In some cases this meant no lunch and ignoring emails, and other small nagging issues which needed to be fixed.
Armed with my excel and these understandings, it helped me to pull apart a significant problem being faced in centre, and develop a report which was able to identify the problem.

Hmmmmm, of yeah I bought my first ever camera from NCO and used the office events and personnel to help hone my skills along with my event photography at boomtribe.... Lol let me leave the photography alone if not this email will never end.

Well the people, I realised that I had an ability to be a comedian and with the more I developed myself, I was able to help persons channel their daily fustrations of the job out and help to make things easier. And I enjoyed being able to help these handle their issues. This became the underlining factor to my last day, when everyone was very vocal in expressing their gratitude for me being a listening ear, or understanding them from a far.

This allowed me to be convicted and I became the editor in chief of 3 small in-house publications which to my dismay did not live on to reach their true potential. However my consciousness to every one being a person with their own feelings was displayed in the show of affection I received to say goodbye.

I received a
gift voucher,
executive cross pen,
land wallet, pizza, icecream any many hugs and kisses,

Way beyond my expectations. I felt truly felt good. It also gave me some insight to how I would want to be ultimately remembered. There was a specific feeling. Of how that would be like.
The type of legacy you would like to leave that could add value to the lives of others.
All in all it was a step into growth and I look forward to the next such milestone in my life.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Taking a step, that needed to be taken

I am taking a step that needed to be taken, my world was shaken since I read this thought

"To believe in something, and not live it, is dishonest."~ Mahatma Gandhi

I started a job almost 2 years ago for the main reason to get some cash in my pocket quickly and attain some of the basics I needed to attain my dreams. A good example, which everyone reading this will instantly relate to is my camera.
Yip, the job was to pay the bills while I pursued my passions at every available opportunity outside of my job. The thinking was always that this was just temporary until I was able to find something which was more in tune with my basic dreams and aspirations for my life.
One of them to be able to a position myself in such a way that I will be able to enhance and develop my creative gifts and push for greater significance in my life.

I am now taking the next step and moving to a job which will allow me to explore my creative gifts across several mediums and experience and interact with persons who will rely heavily on these creative gifts to make a living.
yeah, its for me to be back into caribbean entertainment, with, as web content producer.
Yeah, this position will require leadership and team building.
Yes, yes, those of you who know me well enough would know I am very much a believe in John C Maxwell leadership teachings.....I relate on my levels with his philosophies for leading people.
Over recent weeks I have noticed how without much effort, just with a little focus to become more accessible I have seen persons come to me and asking me to help them manage and market themselves as writers, singers, song writers. What was even more amasing is how easily some persons found it to express their deep and inner thoughts with myself.
All this was quite overwhelming and I daily seek clarity on my path for life.
So as I take this step to move closer to the type of person I want to become, I felt I need to keep D'Journey up to take with these significant events as they unfold.
Next step is to saying goodbye, to yesterday. I have not yet figured out exactly how I will do it....then again there is one way, but it requires a lot of work, hmmm. Can I pull it off?
Corey Graham
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