What inspires me to write this blog
What inspired you to write this blog?
Well hmm, I will have to say that I am inspired mainly to share my ideas and opinions for the purpose of making them better ideas and opinions.
I believe one of my better traits all through my life was my willingness to see others improve.
I went through the phase of feeling very bad about myself, because someone was "brighter than me" someone was "faster than me", because someone came up with the big idea and I didn't. Because 1 person had to be on top and in my mind and those rooting for me, I had to be that person.
Sooo interesting this is many of us spend or teenage years, in a system that teaches one person is better than the next.
Yip, this makes it hard for us to want to share ideas because someone else will steal it. Because we might be wrong. It makes it hard to have several persons comment on an idea or project you have been doing.
But these days I see things a little clearer and I'm glad for my ideas to be out there for people to be thinking about them and come back to me and give me a new perspective. That makes me feel good. This allows each person to use their particular gift or asset to make things better.
And it brings with it, new ideas and new realities.
This blog is a way from me to bring my ideas and my creativity out there for persons to interact my ideas and me.
So my inspiration is to get my ideas out there.
The power of an idea.
Corey Graham
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