What inspires me to write this blog

This is a question which has been posed to me.
What inspired you to write this blog?

Well hmm, I will have to say that I am inspired mainly to share my ideas and opinions for the purpose of making them better ideas and opinions.
I believe one of my better traits all through my life was my willingness to see others improve.
I went through the phase of feeling very bad about myself, because someone was "brighter than me" someone was "faster than me", because someone came up with the big idea and I didn't. Because 1 person had to be on top and in my mind and those rooting for me, I had to be that person.
Sooo interesting this is many of us spend or teenage years, in a system that teaches one person is better than the next.
Yip, this makes it hard for us to want to share ideas because someone else will steal it. Because we might be wrong. It makes it hard to have several persons comment on an idea or project you have been doing.
But these days I see things a little clearer and I'm glad for my ideas to be out there for people to be thinking about them and come back to me and give me a new perspective. That makes me feel good. This allows each person to use their particular gift or asset to make things better.
And it brings with it, new ideas and new realities.
This blog is a way from me to bring my ideas and my creativity out there for persons to interact my ideas and me.
So my inspiration is to get my ideas out there.
The power of an idea.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,




Evolution to the next level

This blog is having such a significant impact on my life, its been able to get me prepared and in a zone to receive happiness in life, I have been able to listen and watch people as they grow to the next level.
I have been able to increase my self esteem and self confidence.
I have been having much more interesting and powerful conversations with those around me.
These things have been gathering up to take me and this blog to the next level.
I am now at a point where my posts are going to change their dynamic.
My interaction with this blog is going to change in a very profound way.
When I started to post I began to become free, blogging became and outlet for many of my philosophies, it was my domain to become free.
It was a way to channel my energy and ideas into a resource that would grow over time.
However now, my feeling and approach to this blog, is changing, where I think constantly of the things that I want express in this arena and the kind of impact that I can have.
Its been a dream of mine to be a leader, nooo nooo, not a leader who just wants to control things or be the big boy. I want to be a REAL leader, who can take people on the kind of journey that will make them into powerful and strong individuals in their own right.
Oh the power of a dream!

Let me leave you with the words of Margrit Harris I read yesterday which quite well captured my last major realisation about human interactions -
Dreaming together and working towards making those dreams reality is a tremendous safeguard against relationship discord. Why? Because it keeps you focused and your energy directed towards mutual interests instead of finding yourselves in separate camps warring against each other.

Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,




Stand for Something

A few years ago I was sitting at a large rally of the Salvation Army church and I heard a message preached. It was a simple message that seemed that day to have more relavance at that time than another time. It was the first time I truly listened to what was being said in the message.
It was to stand for something, if not you stand for nothing and u will be pushed around.
Oh how powerful is this message and I have realised it been taking its influenvce over the last few weeks.
My life today I very different from what existed about 2 months ago, I find myself at some points on the verge of feeling flustered, by the unknown behind the next door.
But I have to remind myself that once I stand for something and stand strong its ok,
It doesn't matter what comes thru that door, its going to be ok, because I stand for something.
I know you will ask what is this something I stand for?
Well I stand for a way of life. A way I want to be remembered when I leave, the kind of man I want to become.
Yeah that's all written down somewhere, but its at times like these when life is looking fuzzy that I refer to these writings. I will one day refer to these writings daily, but for now, I use these writings on the kind of man I want to become, propel me forward. Every hiker checks his compass before continuing.
There was a time when I was really into hiking, I mean REALLY into hiking. This was with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and you know what?
The compass is what I always used to want to have. This I because my group was lost for 2 hours on saturday morn, in the "wilds" of barbados and it was not a nice feeling.
From that day I became a much better map reader and compass "operator" lol.
But really when the going got rough all we were left with was the compass, with the bearing set from the last checkpoint.
When trails disappeared this arrow in a bubble was or all in all.
When we go fuzzy directions from locals it was or direction.
So we have to keep our bearing set on our dreams and goals. Stand for them when people give us fuzzy directions, when the path disappears. Stand for something! Stand Strong let's reach for a greater existance.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,




Laws and Truths

Life is really an interesting thing.
It makes you wonder. It makes you decide how to transform and transpose the energy that is reaching you constantly.
Never think it will get easier and you will have it all figured out. Never hit the cruise control button. When I say never I mean never.
Always be ready, always remain ready for those challenges which will come to you.
I would always remember as a rather 'tender" age I set my mind to find out what was the big thing in life,

What is life in its most basic form when u strip way everythingm
And I came up with the following
- The future is always coming and its a constant
- Change will come, it willn change will come.

Yeah that was pretty simple wasn't it! That all there really is, the future is always comingn and change wiill come.
And I have not yet attained distinguished greatness because I lost sight of these truths. But I must say that putting them out ahead in life gives u focus that is crystal clear.
If I could buy a lens, that would be able to capture this reality I would immediately become a prophet.
I'd like to tell you ....to remind you that there are a lot of other things involved but....that is the starting point.

I will always remember a thought I read in a John C Maxwell newsletter which said that, if can laugh at urself and have fun in ur job u will be come irresplaceable. And if u always keep things ready for the next person to take over, you will be truly irreplaceable.
But today I realise that more than ever, I can look at my past 24 hours and say that I can laugh at myself. Its amasing. I have been able to move beyond my thinking and predujices of yesterday. There was no rocket since, just beers with a good friend to put my mind in a new zone and to see new thing. This friend of mine is really creating something and finding himself in life, the ultimate creation is one its way. And he is becoming who he needs to become. I am glad for his mind truthfulness with me.
I will remember some years ago he although my good friend and someone who I felt was great, was written off of a committee, mainly because he didn't seem to know what was his big goal in life. Standard dropping, but now he is turning into the great man I expect him to become.
I can feel it, u will know his name tommorrow, in the future.

Of late my usually reasonably clear path has been a bit clouded by my constant encouraging and uplifting of others. Its something I need to master, I need to undertand others and still have myy stuff together. Some of us get so busy with the dreams of others that we fail to remember the original dream.....our personal and most unique dream. So many things can help us lose sight of our goals.
So from what I have experienced and seen, so far the need to be loved, and accepted by society allows us to let in the wrong people into our team, or family and our space that do not bring any value to the table.

Search for the right people in ur live, keep those who will help u get what u want..

The furue is constant
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,





Its interesting sometimes the way things occur in life. This blog was partly a spur of the moment decision to help me with my writing skills and my openness to the world.
Little did I know that it will change my life around in such a short space of time. My self image has growth. My thoughts have seemed to be more expressible. I have been able to help people and listen much better than I ever could in my life. Mainly because it always seemed like I had sooo much on my plate myself to deal with.
Its really allowed me to communicate this those around me.
I love myself because I am now able to help others. I am also growing and learning.
I have begun to realise more what things are important to me, my greatest assets were. My joy for creating and developing systems is coming forth more than ever. Also I am starting to really enjoy my creativity imagination, and understand how it must be epressed if it is ever to grow and go to the next level. The most creativy idea is worthless, if you can communicate it. This is a hard truth I had to accept I know because I had to face this reality when I started Drenalin.Productions. You can't lead a team of individuals, if you are unable to communicate your ideas in a way for them to understand. If people don't understand ya how can you inspire or motive ?

Also taking time out the day to build relationships with persons around you helps you build up yourself too and your character.
"As iron sharpheth iron so a man sharpens himself in the countenance of a friend."

I have seen that by spending time to develop strong and healthy relationships, we can make the right changes occur around us conscious and unconsciously.
Being in another's space takes a lot of deep thought and understanding that would allow you to truly benefit from the interaction.

Who are you and where are you going ? Is the question that will simplify things in your life.

Just remember don't lie to yourself about how you are feeling! Let ur emotions take their true form. Don't make them into something else, someone wants.

Use the energy from the emotions wisely, and you will see the difference that this can make in life.

Its sooo powerful.

Daily, I allow myself time to just focus on doing the thing that I want to do.
I allow myself to build up the skills I want.
More and more I am embarassing fears by taking it to the next level, growing in stature. And you know I am expecting more and more success. I expect that if I don't get it tommorrow, that I will get it the day after that!
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,




Elevated Energy State

I've go to start of and say that over the last couple of weeks, since I wrote my "energy" blog I have really began to really internalise the concept.
The concept that we merely transfer the energy which reaches us into another form.
And how powerful it is!
(This blog is going to one of the abstract ones. It helps if you see how the concept relates to you)

My last few weeks have started to reveal to me how much I have grown as a person. And they have in ways that I cannot ignore, the way people interact with you and make comments.
All I have been doing in my life more than ever is working to shed fear and limitions imposed on me via my social conditioning and upbringing. I have started to effect a change in the thoughts I keep in my mind.
Its cause persons that I really respected and deep down inside I viewd them as being greater than I was.
I know how your mind is thinking. So now you think your bigger than them Corey? That's a resounding "NO"
We you can start to think about the transfer of energy in other people, u will realise that we all have our talents. You begin to realise some people can draw of energy from places you don't know about It starts to become more apparent how you can synergise with other people.
You also begin to realise how everyone can become great.
I must state here that no matter what you can see in another, you cannot give them motivation to become great. You might be able to help enhance this motivation, provide a comfort zone for them to gather enough energy to them to go to the next level.
Also you have to understand that motivation is nothing more that someone having a motive for doing something. Motive-ation!
Finding that motive is really a skill that is aquired, that's why good coaches are so loved.
In many cases they help people to go to an elevated energy state.

What's most interesting is that in the science world there are some energy transfers that are not yet understood.

All we know is that x is transferred into y energy and we can provide electricity for entire countries based only on this truth.
We simply enhance the motive for energy to be transferred into another kind of energy that we can use. In using the energy we change it into another kind of energy.

So what becomes interesting we have people take the energy of disappointment and turn it into an energy of hope then other people can turn hope into an energy of satisfaction, and others can turn back to disappoinment.

Who is turning you disappointments into triumpts?
Who is turning your disappointments into fears
Who is turning your pain into revenge?
Who is turning your pain into love?
Who is turning into fears into hope?

Well ultimately its you, who do you decide to release these energies to?
Who do you get these energies from?

Energised by your next Energy State elevation.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,




Check out my Slide Show!

My People

Yeah, its been an interesting couple of days for sure. A lot has happened, the high points were for some of my people,

A friend of mine has been included in the cast of a morning radio show,

There has been blog launched by another friend, there is going to be much to look forward to from this blog. You will all know about it once it gets into the flow.

Also there has been an interesting piece written by an aspiring song writer.( I'll at it on to the end of this article,

Yip, I promised more details on that book that was published by my friend and here they are.
CSEC Information Technology 2nd Edition
By Kelvin Skeete and Kyle Skeete.

hmmmmm oh! There was another friend whose manager say there has been much improvement in her.

Oh and another friend is was offerred a job she been seeking, its been a rough couple of months for her!

All around there is much growth going on, and creation. I very much glad that I am able to be around to see these things happen and in some cases I am told to inspire them.

Written by an aspiring songwriter
(I think its a great value to us guys)


Pain, seems like us women are always in pain.

Our friends ask, "what's wrong with you today?"

We respond " my head hurts" or my "back hurts" or "my stomach hurts"

Lets talk about some of this so called "PAIN"

Pain; when we can barely meet the bills buy food and the kids need new clothes

Pain; during child birth

Pain; when our friends betray us and we realize that the list of people to call and just "old talk" is getting shorter and shorter

Pain when the man that we thought we would marry gets married to someone else who he thinks is more "progressive"

Pain when our family has issues and you're expected to solve them

Pain every 28 days for 5 - 7 days

Pain during menopause, things start to get a bit "dry"

Pain when all the kids grow up leave home and face it "were lonely"

Pain when you really need to get "some" and realize there's nobody you really wanna to give "some" to.

Pain when that promotion is given to some bitch in a shorter skirt than yours who shakes her ass all over the office.

Pain when the kids fathers makes up some fake ass excuse why he can't take them to Chefette this weekend.

Pain when all your dreams get shelfed because of; well because of life.

Pain from worry and stress of all the above.

And then men wonder why women are so bithcy and defensive all the time, so self righteous, controlling and yes that famous phrase "she real miserable".

Its the PAIN. So what do we do. Try to control every aspect of our life that we possibly can. Try to do as much for ourselves as we possibly can. Avoid disappointment, wear an armour, box down a couple people if we have to.

So when that headache becomes unbearable take a couple panadols, exercise more, eat better don't let "PAIN" get the best of you.
Corey Graham
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