Express yourself, its important. Be passionate and bold.
There are sometimes you can't get too caught up with what other think or how they will pass judgement on you.
Sometimes you really must just express yourself, confide in someone, spend time commenting or blogging something.
Recently there was someone I knew who said to me they don't spend time to know who they are. They don't like to talk about themselves or thing about themselves. They could bot give me their strengths and weakness. They strengths they did have they did even consider them strengths. You know what that means about their self worth.
They can't value themselves very highly when you consider that this is the way to converse with themselves.
Don't get me wrong they are trying to get better at the things they are doing and become a world-class talent. However their awareness of themselves and their unique gifts. Their combination of strengths and weaknesses are not perceived in a strategic way to make them improve the level of their game.
That's what separates the good coaches from the boy so good. That awareness of their players strengths and weaknesses and they bring able to make the right combination work.
To use strategy specially tweaked to the particular situation and put the right player in the right place and at the right time.
We don't have to look far for upsets in sports. We see it all the time.
Accurate awareness of myself has been one of my challenges over the life and its something I am coming very close to conquering. Being able to know where I need to be and what I need to be doing and at the right time. I am learning that.
Tell me where do you fit? Are you playing the game in the right position and doing the right things at the right times?
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless
I like to distinguish between a "goal mindset" and a "growth mindset." A person with a "goal mindset" has very tangible, numerical goals to achieve over a specific period of time. Nothing is wrong with clearly defined goals, but there's a better way of thinking that I call a "growth mindset." A growth mindset recognizes goals on the journey, but only as part of a processnot as the end results. John C Maxwell
I read this a few minutes ago and went wow!
This is what i have been doing all along. I have been doing all along! I have always seemed to set these "goals" that were not very specific by described a particular habit i wanted to cultivate or do.
Of late too i have been appreciated how many other things have been changing and how many tangible results i have been getting as a result of a commitment to these seemly not quite finished goals. Its not that your goals should not have targets in them, but growth goals allow you to keep going to keep developing .... they bring greatness. You know the enemy of great is good. If we set good goals and we reach them we tend to think we have arrived and never look at going on to greatness.
The best example of this are the goal oriented new years resolutions when some of them get attained by March ... its like the growth stops. I like goals that speak to a serious personal development. When i know that when I take the time to work the goal so many things around me will change and go to a higher level.
This is mindset that has always been with me, I have always aimed at becoming the person i need to be rather than just finding a wayto get the results. I am glad that I am now able to really grasp what this means!
This is my goal as i ascend to Corey Graham 2.0
Corey Graham 2.0
In the world today be place a lot of emphasis on decision making and who is the decision maker. But it only hit me recently.... Do I really know what a good decision looks like? There is certainly not a lot of readily available literature or experts around we can walk up to and say. Teach me how to make good decisions.
This is something I have certainly wrestled with in the last weeks.
I have realised in the last few months that in general we make a lot of conversational decisions. What's a conversational decision? Something we say to keep the conversation going but we haven't taken the time to really commit to that decision.
'Yeah man I going to have to start hitting the gym, infact I will do it next week!'
Ah now you know what I am talking about! Let me take if futher new years resolutions... I know you with me now.
You know we sometimes don't grasp the magnitude of what we are saying with new years resolutions.
This means in June or list of resolutions is still valid, not forgotten.
So we are think now but hmmm, what about if I don't want to do the resolution anymore.... I think that is fine once you made a conscious decision to stop. And of course living with the consequences
Do we do that or do we just discard the documents relating to our new years resolutions court case as null and void? Something we forget? Well we didn't really think it was possible.
In the last week or so I have really understood what it meant to make a real decision. For me waking up. I always go to bed when I a tired. The exception to this is when I am very tired. Often times its at the moment that I hit the bed that I decide when is a good time to wake up. Its always been well I want to wake up 8 pm but anytime before 10 is good.
Lol, and well you know when I was getting up just about 10.
I realised when I have something where I need to definately get up early. I would almost always be up on time. Ready to go. But on the average day. It was hell to wake up.
So I make a more adequate decision recently to get up at a particular time and now I seem to be a lot more willing to drag myself out of bed than before when I was rolling out of bed sometimes a good 2 hours after I first opened my eyes and looked at my clock and said to myself, ok time to get up Corey.
So the power of making a strong decision in AT THE TIME it needed to be made has definately has paid off for me.
What decision are you putting off to be made after its appointed time?
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless