Decisions, Decisions - Effective Decision makers make bad decisions too

Recently I was introduced to the concept of an effective decision maker.

An effective decision maker is one who is not afraid of making decisions in a timely fashion. When they make a bad decision, do you know what they do?

That's right they make another decision.

Decision making is one skill which I have been focusing at improving. I have had a habit of making decisions too late.

As I looking deeper into this idea of decision making it came to me that a lot of us don't make decisions effectively.
In some cases we might have 2 options to take and we wait so long to make a decision that one option is taken from us. Which is bad, but what is even worse is that we feel good about it. We feel good that we don't have to make a decision any longer.
The worry and wondering is gone and we can just get to the action. Even worse is that sometimes we feel like we have made an effective decision.

Yeah this is a mindset that really puts a lid on where we want to go, and being able to get what we want.

I am really getting to appreciate that now.

Recently I had been watching an episode of House, where Dr House's team felt that they should do 2 tests because there was nothing else to try. Dr House said no for no other reason than it was a weak decision. They were at a brick wall and House felt that making such a decision was starting down a path that would lead to more weak decision.

That really shocked me. Really rocked something in me. How many things we do in your fast paced lives today which are not conscious decisions?

What was you last week like?

Corey Graham 2.0
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Scatter Brained


That's right, that's something I have been called. It was something I didn't like and I didn't have a clue what ie really meant.

But I have a greater appreciation for it now. Being a creative guy, there were never any lack of ideas. This when coupled with a burning desire to validate myself, to prove myself to others and get rid of some debt.

It caused me to get started on several projects and many of them ending primarily with good potential. But I was never able to realise that potential.

For a long time I have felt very edgy when it comes to having a new idea, and moving it to a decision to implement it.

I realised that recently I had been failing to really plan. Just taking time even to make a list on the things you want to focus on for a year makes a world of difference.
Added to that, taking the time to prepare and take advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Its only recently that I met a guy who said to me, he wakes each morning and look into his mirror and see the man he wants to be and compares it to the man he is now.
For him that is all that matters.

That was interesting to me for sure.

Over the past few days I realised I reached a similar conclusion.

"As I see the person I want to become. And I focus on getting there all the things I need to have will come to me and happen at the right time and in the right way. Most of all I will be able to make the right decisions to allow this to happen to me." Corey Graham 2.0
Corey Graham 2.0
Blog :

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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Painting A

Its in our greatest difficulties that give us an opportunity to grow and become greater.

Sometimes to take it to the next level it really causes us to really take some time to stop and think and question ourselves in a serious way. Make us fragile and edgy

Over the past week I have been made aware of some really hard and serious challenges people around me have been facing and will have to face. I had my own challenges of changes to face.
I guess sometimes we don't quite realise how much some shifts can cause.
I think the thing is that we have to stop and tweak our motive. So we can get the motivation we need to have the zest and passion for life.

Yo tweak our perspective and appreciate that we need to acknowledge there as been a change and acclimatize to the
New climate.

Its really easier said than done, as lots of emotions swirl all over the place. Using Logic we say,
well we see fine,
Things are cool
I not worrying.

But you know, emotionally we see in a different state to where we think we are and we have to take the time to slow it down for a few, breathe, digest the new climate and rise up again ready to learn and grow a little bit.....
And live.

Corey Graham 2.0
Blog :

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless