Commissioning a Philosopher

This is a title many have over a number of years have tried to trust on me and though I have been very flattered by it. I did not believe it was a title that I was worthy of as it was just an offering or it was in response to some key pearls of wisdom I had dispersed. This was usually after I had laboured and spent a significant time thinking about a particular area.

What has changed?

I think with the advent of this Blog I began to take on the view that life is indeed a journey. A series of steps which can be represented by milestones or in my humble Blog post.

More than that this Blog has given me the energy to become more. It added a new roll to my life's journey. I moved from an advise giver to a traveller on life's journey. Taking deliberate steps on my own, to become something greater. To charge on to new realities comfortable with me and who I am becoming. A process that has been releasing powerful energy in me. Tremendous insights, wisdom, perspective and love.

I am a philosopher, still growing but I am. I can now accept that title. This will not define me and I will not define it.

It will now be.

As within, so without.

CG 2.0

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