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Sky Is The Limit
It doesn't take long for new opportunities to open up for you. In one day all your frustration can be erased granted that you are prepared to dream. To recognize the opportunities that come your way.
Its important to keep growing and let the world evolve. There will be a place for you.
One of the most interesting things is waking up one day and realizing that you have been in a character so long that it is difficult for you to evolve or change.
Step out of that character and build a new one. I am learning from that character that mask that I have been wearing for the last year or so. No one knows it but me. Its like waking up one day and realizing life is not such a struggle anymore. You have created a habit.
I believe that its time that I raise the expectations of what I can accomplish. The realistic views and impressions of what I am now capable of accomplishing.
Time to do more!
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
I trusting and believing in this intuition more. I am nurturing it and of myself and appreciating my strengths and making the effort to improve on them each day.
My intuition can make me a great planner however I need to trust and act on my ideas and visions in a timely fashion.
Day to day it is a challenge to decipher exactly what this intuition is speaking to me. Its blurred through So many other thoughts.
Intuition is the art is in finding the true pure thought and follow it with conviction. Void of fear and an all other noise the clouds our judgment. Corey Graham 2.0
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
When you can see more opportunities than you have the time and energy for.
Enjoying the beauty of being a part of your community and not being a lone ranger but surrounded by people whose lifes are alive and passion is vibrant.
Being able to push people to another level in their life's walk.
All things so intoxicating and emotions of the day to day life flavor your appetite and then life strays from the simplicity.
Getting established and having doors open and people paying attn means that you have now gotten a stage to perform on.
I believe I now have that stage and its time for me to start my show.
The ideas I want to perform are not new but they have been nurtured in my spirit for the last 5 years.
I am seeking to become the man I need to be to make these ideas manifest into reality.
I am feeling very much fearful and very much still not yet at the point I need to be with my confidence to make these things happen.
I am excited too because I know I am going to learn and grow once again in the coming months and years.
I am accepting my talents and believing in myself keeping on the positive side of life and working smart.
This life is a journey that we all must travel and it should be fun. I love to feel good and I want to feel good for the rest of my life.
Love it.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
A Vision Empowered
This time has served me well, being able to follow through on my various visions and see them unfolding before me. They were all pictures and images I used to be scared to dream of. They were ideas a lot bigger than I felt that I could have accomplished at that time.
I have allowed my self confidence to be victim. I allowed it to be tied to the size of my bank account and the cash in my pocket. Actually, I believe that one of my most significant breakthroughs was to make my self confidence and bank account mutually exclusive. As of right now,
What is in my pocket does not adversely affect my emotional climate.
I focus on creating and building new things and solving yesterdays problems with smarter work today.
I feel a lot better about expressing myself and communicating with people. Listening and responding.
I do have a long way to go but I am a lot better and encouraged that I can be a great speaker and leader.
To be able to help build a Caribbean Community.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
New Fruit From Broken Dreams
Blackberry Photography
Keeping Myself Down
First of all I thought I was doing great for myself now that I can honestly said that I access I am a creative person and I have accepted that this is who I am, and I will approach things differently.
I believe however that I had reached a level where I started to 'sit back' a bit. Where I would overanalyse every opportunity and see if it was worthwhile to be and how well I would execute.
It is important to match resources and your plans however I am a student of leadership.
It hit me, leadership is about doing what the science of management said was impossible.
As summer approaches and I try to be wise about what I am choosing to do. I want to not spread myself to thin. However I don't want to lose that childlike enthusiam and ideas I have always had!
I have been holding on to the childhood idea that I am not the best writer in town, rather than just believing I can turn it around.
I have also been careful at the amount of time I have been investing into work, and try to work less. However there are different seasons in life and I believe now is the time in my life where I can accomplish a lot before the golden years.
There is much within me to give the world. I need to trust me more!
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
Full Of Motive - Motivated
Some of my fears of reaching to my desired station in life have been relaxed as I rebuild my company step by step. I am certainly a lot wiser than I was 5 years ago and that helps to remove some of the doubt.
I believe that one of the core things for this new motivation is my learning new things and expanding my horizons. Adding some discipline into my routine, and some more balance. The main thing though is pushing myself to new levels of creativity and understanding. It is the imagined outcome as I implement new ideas and move forward.
The main change is that I have been taking some bigger risks than I did before and also reaching out to more progressive people.
It is interesting how you can evolve and no one else knows about you. Its gonna take some situation for them to get the words coming from your mouth. The thing is I am not in a hurry to show anyone anything. It will all evolve over time. I am enjoying the fundamental changes in my approach to several things and I am awaiting the outcome.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
Pushing Ahead Again
I guess we all know that in some form or fashion.
The big issue though is what we tie or confidence to. It could be a person, a gf or bf, or a position or post or a lifestyle. This I really where the big challenge begins when we cannot have our centre for our confidence come from inside us.
Over the past I would say almost 6 months I have had to work on having my confidence come from more inside of me. As things around me crumbled and evolved in a way I did not envision.
Today, I feel stronger. I am now confident I can overcome challenges that life toss my way. And that I have a process that even if I end up on the wrong road it won't be for too long as I would be able to get back on track.
This actually allows me to be a lot more helpful with others. I can actually do more for them and feel good about myself for it. Rather than feel like someone is taking advantage of me.
This allows me to also be assertive and dish out more no's when people are not taking into account my well being. It am now more forceful in making sure I create a win win environment in my life.
I am allowing others, and in some cases giving back to others the responsibility for their actions. I am putting it where it belongs.
I am also quick to admit when I am wrong or when I have made a mistake and I figure out ways to fix it.
Things are getting even better for me now.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
In Dreamland all that matters is the desire to dream....
To dream of the things you want
Not hmm tainted by to beliefs of others,
Their insecurities
Their needs
Dreamland a place you just dream of.
You can be who you want to be
Not wait in line
Not be babied and treated small.
Dreamland is a dimension were true pleasure exist
Pleasure of being happy,
Overwhelming with good feeling.
It doesn't matter who is around,
You just feel good
The deepest loves and passions
They are plain
Hobbies and fun
Magic happens
Be a superhero
In Dreamland all that matters is the desire to dream....
Imagine the unreal...
Why waste dreamland with imagining different variations of reality?
In Dreamland all that matters is the desire to dream....
Corey Graham 2.0N
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
The Power of Self Confidence
In the last 24 hours one of my major insecurities has been completely presented to me once again.
Since I started this blog, it has really evolved and changed names and appearance, and even url names.
Today, it is http://coreykgrahamphilosophy.blogspot.com
The basic concept is for me to actively document those breakthroughs I make in life.
I am currently challenged in by the amount of income I generate for different reasons.
In our Caribbean society we know how this could be a very emotional topic. Whether we want to admit it or not we grow up conditioned to a particular approach or perspective I life.
As I actually look back on my childhood and adolescent days I realize that many of the dreams they sold us in school actually has done many of us a disservice.
Change, creativity, ideas, action, vision are all things that somehow seem to elude us. Maybe it is because of lack of stories to reinforce the points that we can be better. We can effect change from whatever position we are at. Simply by taking conscious steps daily to a particular goal. The kind of momentum that can generate as other people see the steps you are taking...
Ah I digress,
One thing this blogging of the significant breakthroughs in my life have been able to teach me is that, to go to the next level. The steps are pretty simple
Self realization (where EXACTLY are you right now)
Self acceptance (I know where I am right now and I accept it. This is me. not imagining the abs that not really there)
Self confidence. ( I believe I can make a change in my life)
Self worth (I believe I deserve more)
Now the most interesting thing is that we always check our self confidence as a general thing, but really it is not. Your confidence varies for different areas of your life. And when we approach the question,
Do you have a strong self confidence?
It is actually the average of your self confidence in several different areas of life,
Your work
Your marketability
To present to people
Lots and lots more areas. You need to consider. As we grow up in some cases we had bad experiences and we never allowed ourselves enough room to explore a particular area. E.g. Getting laughed at in 1st form while reading for the class.
I find it interesting how people think I a such a positive person, yet I feel like I am just at 60 % there is a long lime of stuff I need to deal with to have a truly positive approach to such a situation. To have true confidence in who I am. In some cases we can base our confidence on things external to us,
- Things people we are good at
- If he can do that I can do it
- things we hate and say we are confident we will never do
- family history
We been taught how to limit ourselves. We limit ourselves by what people think about us, or even what they don't think about us.
I am now appreciating first hand how important is to break this thinking. Live life without limits. With some boundaries, but without limits.
I am can now see clearly how we might need people to offer perspectives or insights on situations, which will enable us to discover new things. However we should not depend on others.
The challenge is that some of these limitations are so deeply rooted and emotional it does take a very long time for them the heal. It is a process, but it can be done.
With a big goal, and some time spent sitting and understanding and learning and dreaming with yourself to overcome it.
I am doing it, you can join me in doing it too.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device