A Vision Empowered

I take a tremendous amount of time to think about, and plan my way forward. To keep myself on a growth path. Many hours spent thinking about roles and the progression life.
This time has served me well, being able to follow through on my various visions and see them unfolding before me. They were all pictures and images I used to be scared to dream of. They were ideas a lot bigger than I felt that I could have accomplished at that time.

I have allowed my self confidence to be victim. I allowed it to be tied to the size of my bank account and the cash in my pocket. Actually, I believe that one of my most significant breakthroughs was to make my self confidence and bank account mutually exclusive. As of right now,
What is in my pocket does not adversely affect my emotional climate.
I focus on creating and building new things and solving yesterdays problems with smarter work today.

I feel a lot better about expressing myself and communicating with people. Listening and responding.
I do have a long way to go but I am a lot better and encouraged that I can be a great speaker and leader.

To be able to help build a Caribbean Community.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

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