I am sorry

This blog should be one in which my humility should show,

I am sorry to those of you who I transferred my fears and worries in life to. To those of you whose enthusiam might have been shot because of this,

Because I still to this day have not been able to truly rid myself of fears I allowed to develop due to my experiences.

It is for this I am sorry. My judging your situation based on my own fears and shortcomings, unable to see your talents and your greatness due to my own bubble of lack.
Ashamed I am at myself for not being able to spur on the hopes and dreams in ur life.

No sadder proof can a man give of his own littleness than disbelief in great men.

After now ridding myself of some fears and being able to realise what an injustice I might have done to those of you around me, it spurs me on to be a servant to you, and secure your greatness, by taking care of my fears, so that they are not transferred to you.
I will aide you along.

Please accept my apology for I am firm in my resolve that brighter days are coming.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,




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