
Its a beautiful day here in Barbados. I am now on my way to work and I can finally read my rss feeds once more. Make sure that keep growing and stay focused.

Its been good to have a few days with the pressure of the promotion lifted and just relax with family and friends. Stefan has been off so we got to talk a lot and chill.

I still had to try and keep the focus on the work and aim to keep leading those I am responsible for.

It feels good to be able to pour into someone's life. I am making sure I keep reading and learning about business and money.

Its really a case where I am trying different things to see what works and what doesn't as soon as I can find something that does well, that will be all there is to it.

2009 is fast on its way and I am actually trying to me a little more open and connected to the people. To the marketplace. At the end of the day, these are the people who will make me or break me.

The people around me especially within BoomTribe are growing and building into a team. One thing I have learnt is that though money is very important in life. Its more important to people to be respected and appreciated.
More important is that people want to be a part of something greater than them. I am not talking about a special type of person. Its everyone. This is something I have seen proven over and over again.

I am reminding myself these days that 2009 - 2010 will be big years. The future can be scary and frustrating. It certainly is a gift though. To change what you current conditions are. That is where I am focusing.

I have experienced some success with the things I want to do. I have bearly taken a step.

And I am grateful to watch how that step has been able to inspire people to do their own thing and focus at growing their own careers.

Momentum is just beginning to gather. Its important not to break it now, and allow it to keep building.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

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Standing up and Staying focused

It is always a challenge to balance intuition with clear logic thought.
The last few months have shown me that sometimes our intuition can be clouded to accept/go along with things which might not yield the result that you are looking for.
They say experience is the best teacher. This is true, but experience is only the best teacher when you allow yourself to explore some of the experiences you have had. And in some causes force yourself to relive the unpleasant experiences so that you can consciously decide to have better experience in the future.
Remember to stay focused and committed to your goals and dreams.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Learning Leadership

Wow, tonite a close friend said to me that I am able to make him stretch his potential.
I mean that means so much to me. As I look around I see people around me.

There are people around me who have mentioned that. Not in so many words, but they have mentioned it.

I give thanks for all the time I invested into learning about leading people to achieve their dreams.

Because its really starting to show some returns and I imagine it will only get sweeter.

I am glad to be able to share my story here as I live it, and not waiting till I have lived it, then to tell it!
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

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Corey Graham 2.0 N goes Live

Here I am just taking a moment to bookmark my history as I prepare to take myself to

Corey Graham 2.0 N

Where N = Network. 

That's right the Corey Graham 2.0 Network will start to be developed as of right now. The idea is really not to make this Journey about just me. I treasure teamwork and people and over the last few months I have been very torn by my Corey Graham 2.0 goals and the time and energy I was investing in other persons.
I live people and I think its worthwhile investing in people but my plans had not featured people enough.
I found that alot of people seemed to be interested in what I was doing especially as a writer/blogger. It was quite overwhelming that people would embrace my thoughts in that way, after some time it became a bit taxing too. This was due to me trying to balance being CG 2.0 going out there all by myself.  Its just so much more fun with other people around. It was not long before other people would offer their ideas. so Corey why don't you do this or why don't do that. Many times those suggestions helped me to be better and vice versa. 
After doing a little bit of overhauling and planning I realised that this netowrk of people I have met or grown closer to over the last year, really area key what i want to accomplish in my life hence ... 

Corey Graham 2.0 N

where N = Network, 

Now anything raised to the power n tends to infinity, which is exactly what happens when CG 2.0 is raised to the power of a network the possibilities become limitless. 

This is just my network, you can grow your own network too! 

Corey Graham 2.0 N

The next Evolution of Corey Graham cometh

I think that for the first time in months I can actually honestly look at my future and be positive.

I believe for the first time in my life I can truly say I am developing faith in my somewhat unconventional talents.

There are some core doubts, and demons I have had about myself and abilities all my life. And that prevented me from ever having true faith in my abilities. Too many times I have looked at others and seen them have more faith in me than I did in myself.

The kind of faith you can convince them otherwise.

Its a weird baptism, in life. Its not something I can explain.

I will be honest, I am fearful of really challenging things in the world. Its what I do, I have always be told I think differently. I always thought I thought the same as everyone else by apparently not.

I grew up in a culture where new ideas and new perspectives were not something that was championed. And I was not the best communicator. I have had some unpleasant experiences.

I am scared to truly go out and accomplish what I can.

I am at peace with who I am, and the path of who I am on the way to becoming. I am happy with me. Truly happy.

I really respect my talents and I am growing my life to leverage these talents.

Trust me I have failed at some things over the years. But I am here now.

I am so deep in thought these few days, I feel like I can truly sense things.

I am me. Just me.

Soon to be known as Corey Graham 2.0N

That's me.

One love to you.

Corey Graham 2.0


(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Hmmm Who am I really?

In recent times I have heard the following comments from those who are close to me and can gauge me well enough.

'its clear that you have a gift for people, based on your life'

'You are creative, and you never know what you are going to come up with next'

'Corey you got to give yourself more credit. You have done well so far'

These are all comments from people who are close to me. They are all comments that have really picked me up, and started me to bring more positivity into my life. They all jerked me to not look at the problems I have. But look at the opportunities and build on them.
They have urged me to focus more, to become more than I am demonstrating.
I think in recent times my self confidence is being tested in a significant way.
Another people I am close to mentioned I'm not the most assertive.
And I realize it is based on my self confidence. My sense of worth has been lowered a tad bit.

You know I am thankful for the comments deeply thank ful but I feel like I have a lot more to give to the world. And I need to learn how to tap into the untapped areas of my life.
I feel like the path before me is a little unclear. However maybe I need to focus on what is clear while leaving some time to have fun with the unclear.

I can admit I am scared, I keep wondering if I am dividing up my time, energy and money in the right ways.

One conviction I have though is to cut all the frills and really go after my ultimate dream.
I mean really start the day tomorrow with the email to energise and provoke Caribbean people, to come together.
Its not even a case of doing. Its to just let the passion be raw. Its a case of just unleashing a sleeping beast.
I believe I am scared. I am scared because the last time I unleashed my raw passion and creativity. I ended up with many other challenges. I couldn't control it.
I wonder if I am at a level where I can really control it now.
Where I can really channel my life.

I am not going to die with all my music still in me.

Certainly is just a case of having some discipline and a plan and execution.
Building a daily routine that develops me into the man I need to be.

I have lost sight of the man I need to be and that's allowed me to slow down.

Its time to revitalize myself.
That's what I need.

Its is clear now.

I will become who I need to become so that I can have what I need to have.

Corey Graham 2.0


(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Play your role

It does take its toll sometimes, yes life. It is not easy, when the things change in ways you did not expect. When secrets are revealed and dreams, passions considered to be broken.

It never is easy to pull away or remain faithful to the dream. Oh yes, do what is logical?

Hmm really? Does that make sense, when logic is a distant thought and emotions take over?

I have to be honest, I need to be a bit more real with myself what I am feeling at the moment in time.

Hmm, there needs to be a pure truth shared, so that something new van be formed.

Communication is important, understanding, clarity and focus.

The Red Button is still being built and developed.

I am thinking that I want to be a winner. I want to win at life and be able to accomplish my dreams. Leave an inspiring legacy that might be able to inspire others when they come to this point in the road.

You have got to build it, a connection at a time, relationship at a time and a brick at a time.

Positively and strongly step forward to play your role, not 10 roles, not 5 roles. Play your role in making all other roles work.

Your role might not be as your team leader or coach defines it. But there is a role you can play that will secure a victory. Play that role. Corey Graham 2.0

Corey Graham 2.0


(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

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The Corey Graham 2.0 Ideology

I've had a very interesting night, which started off with me having to defend my new Corey Graham 2.0 logo. A case was brought to me that it was not marketable, or was not commercial enough.... It made me think. After speaking with someone close to me it, sparked me to communicate and to express a few things to you.

Now over the course of 2008 I have invested a tremendous amount of time and energy in developing and maintaining my online social footprint through my various blogs and social network profiles. I am not trying to sell anything to anyone, I am merely trying to create a relationship with other persons out there who share my views etc. I charge people with the full responsibility to make a decision as to if they want to be a part of this relationship, to read, follow and comment on my blogs or choose if they want to add me as a friend on the various social networks.
Yes I am charging you to make your own decision. I am not trying to force things down your throat....
Much of marketing today has come down to forcing things onto people that don't need. Or better yet to persuade them that they need it. Although it adds no real value to their lifes.
The consumer is not charged with the responsibility to make the decision, in many cases there is complete disregard for your intentions...you know that. I can see you nodding your head now!

Recently I have been taking the time dig deep lay the foundations for my long range plans. To really live my dreams. As I understand it my core assets are my creativity and my passion for teamwork and building up people.....
If I can do nothing more that help/inspire others unleash their potential and achieve greatness, I will be satisfied with my life.
If I can become the type of person that you do not "spend time with", but rather you invest time. Then I am good, my life is complete.

5 years ago I received a dream for a company Drenalin Productions to develop and build Caribbean creativity. Following this dream has caused me see the darkest times in my life over the last 5 years. I had more than my fair share of humbling experiences in that time, some sparks of brilliance but most of all ALOT of learning. Today though, I can honestly say that I play my part in motivating and inspiring people to unleash their potential and go after their dreams. I can't yet describe for you how I do it but I can tell you where it started. I started with me, I motivated myself to go after my dreams and one day I looked up and saw others doing the same!
Now more than ever is the time to get moving on your dreams. Seth Godin puts it as "small is the new big". where the power of the internet is creating massive opportunities for all kinds of small entities.

Drenalin Productions mission is to create, build, and support innovation in the Caribbean Diaspora by developing successful products and services for a creative life.

Now guess what ??? Corey Graham 2.0 brand is a product of Drenalin Productions. Let me explain ...

Drenalin is a dream
A perception of a reality that exists in the mind
A source of ENERGY and STRENGTH
Bounded only by the thoughts created in the mind

It is a Dream
Now this developing sense of hope
Sparks the adrenaline flow,
Arousing the senses
Stimulating the mind and
Creating a surge that is


Corey Graham 2.0 is a personal brand that is really about living your dream and approaching your professional life in a creative way. This is reflected in my personal branding and my logo. It all starts from a simple idea..... this thought embodies the core concept.

I don't feel like ideas come into my head to die there. (Karen Richardson. poet)

I am aiming to build relationships with persons who are living their dreams and approaching their professional life in a creative way. My logo and all other CG 2.0 endorsed projects will reflect this....

There still might be another 5 years until I can get Drenalin Productions off the ground in totality, however I felt like I needed to communicate this for some general clarity. I'm not a hussler.

Corey Graham

The Mind of a Writer

Its so interesting. I used to think that being called a 'writer' meant you had good command of the English language.

As I have now become an avid blogger I now realise that I am certainly seeing being a writer is so much more.
To have an idea might be easy enough, but to then express it and communicate it with persons of all different walks of life and across different mediums is truly an amasing thing.

I have been taking some time today to just write, and express myself. I can now appreciate in a significant way the place I live because it allows me to take a mini retreat to just write.
Also I have to be glad for my blackberry and the guys at RexWireless for providing me with the tools I need to get my writing on.
Writing is certainly a very fulfilling hobbie.
And for me expressing ideas is even greater!

The Mind of a Writer
Corey Graham 2.0
Portal : http://coreykgraham.googlepages.com/home
Biz Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/
Mobile Biz Blog : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

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Leadership and Teamwork

Recently I have been feeling a bit like we don't think that as a people its necessary to invest in building a good effective team.
I feel like the average person does not appreciate how value can multiply when you have good people around.
As I aim to practice leadership and teamwork in my day to day life and watch how the benefits can multiple in a tremendous way.

As I take the time to look around I can see how different forces are acting together to bring together a group of people who are very motivated, talented and ready to work. I see how I am to be a part of it. I am going to take the time to be able to keep up with these people and form something that will be remembered forever.
Corey Graham 2.0
Portal : http://coreykgraham.googlepages.com/home
Biz Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/
Mobile Biz Blog : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Working with Passionate People

Today I learned that all the people I worked closest with on are very motivated and bent on living their dreams.

This is a stark contrast to where I was just about 1.5 years ago.

It definitely a different feeling when you know that you can work with people to help them accomplish their dreams.

In fact it makes me like I am living my dream. I want to be able to help persons live their dreams. I want to be able to keep talented people around me, and make them better for being around me.

I know that as time goes by we will only get better. Each failure will only increase our chance of success.

I have gotten lots of favorable comments about becoming 2.0 but I believe this is my most humble time. When I know that I am able to impact talented and very passionate people to be their best.

This moment is really a breakthrough moment for me, because without the shadow of a doubt I believe in people that believe in me.

Yesterday I was wondering when will be the right time to introduce myself as Corey Graham 2.0 Red Button. I know that the time is now.

Red Button is an interesting concept. Its fresh and different. Red Button is like the same red button pressed by a fighter pilot to launch a rocket.

Corey Graham 2.0 Red Button launches people into action to build their careers and become great.

That is my dream. Its been my dream since I started my first real entity Drenalin Productions.

Drenalin is a dream
A perception of a reality that exists in the mind
A source of ENERGY and STRENGTH
Bounded only by the thoughts created in the mind
It is a Dream

Now this developing sense of hope
Sparks the adrenaline flow,
Arousing the senses
Stimulating the mind and
Creating a surge that is

Look out for more on Corey Graham 2.0 ... Red Button!


Corey Graham 2.0

Portal : http://coreykgraham.googlepages.com/home

Biz Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

Mobile Biz Blog : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Pressure Time/Crunch Time


Its an interesting thing when its pressure time yeah, the crunch time. Those intense moments that the fine line between winning and losing is clearly apparent.

I have always wondered how do you become the kind of player that wants the ball in the crunch. Yup, the kind of player that is willing to walk on tight rope anything you do could result in a win or a lost.

I feel like I am closer to being that kind of player. With increased confidence, understanding, decisiveness and creativity I find you feel a lot more settled when the crunch comes.

Its the understanding of the situation and the making of a good decision that will make you relaxed in the crunch.

Now for me to go out and put it to practice it.
Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/
Mobile Site : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device


Recently I read that hard work in this day and age is -

Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the thing that you'd rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier and, after you have done that, to do it again the next day. Seth Godin, Small is the New big

I am really appreciating how this can separate who we are and who we will become. What are the things we will have.

Its still a bit scary though, to wake up each day and aim to do this kind of hardwork.

That fear of failure and possibility of flopping is not something that's easy for us to accept.

I have found that I need to be a little more optimisitc about the future. Its easy to do when you are sticking to your routine, but when you are working hard in the way described above. It take a unique amount of self-worth, confidence and awareness to focus on the positive. Esp when the future has not been proven and you are finding out as you go along.

Life is really an adventure! Enjoy it!
Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

Mobile Site : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Self Worth Questioned?

Self worth is one emotional topic for most people that we meet.
The best of us can have our beliefs, thoughts and our worth tested.
Even one of the great persons of our time had her doubts. Mother Theresa's writings found in recent times was clear evidence that our faith can be tested.
My self worth and self concept is being tested daily at times greater than others.

I know though I am an overcomer and I make sure to diagonise the problem correctly and fix it.
Many times though you really need to stick to fixing it. People will almost always prey of your weaknesses verbally or in action and you need to have that focus to work though and develop your self worth.

Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/
Mobile Site : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Lesson from Basketball - Learning Something New Is Emotional

I think I really did feel bad about how the game turned out.
Its really hard starting back as an underdog with something I was so good at.
There are some times when I just fumbled the ball and made no so good decisions.

Its interesting how we can get stick just into what we see good at in day to day life and into our habits.

Basketball reminds me how truly challenging it can be to really develop a skill. To change your rountine to really accept a new way of life.

You have got to be ready to get up again when you fall down. When people might laugh or attack you because your are trying something new.

Its during these dark times when you the new kid on the block is still developing that the reasons and the missions and all the plans become blurred. All the good judgement disappears.
Don't tell anyone but you and I both know how hard it is to keep true to your big dream/plan when people ridicule it.
Yeah, you and I both know how the emotion boils within you. Shh keep it to yourself

These dark times are the times that really determine the kind of player you are.
Its what you do with these emotional and bleak times that really determines who you will become.

Stay focused.
Always keep your mission in focus. Of course this means that you have to really have a good mission.
Not goals you can do without them sometimes, but having that mission and focus is very important.

Wow thanks for listening a load has been lifted!
Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

Mobile Site : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Giving Back

I have not blogged here in a while, and that is because much of my energy was diverted into building my core Blog in terms of my career.


This Blog is just about expressing myself. Its for those moments, full of emotion and full of clarity.
This time is the feeling if great joy and peace. And I am proud. I am feeling this way because I just invested my night into a 'charitable' cause.
My basketball team's sports club, Checker Hall Braves. I spent some time on building their web presence, like many things we do, it was no back breaking work. It was just about making a commitment to making it happen, and I did that! Also it is now my area of expertise. And a few moments of my time in my area of expertise is worth so much to the Club as they didn't have someone with this particular expertise.
I might not know anything about law. But it take a few moments for someone else to sort that out.
Its not just money no profit organizations need. They need the expertise.

Check it out and let me know what you think!


P.S. I am also going to be building on the Caribbean Entertainment Search. I am allowing other people to use it also. It was really a personal tool, but the few people I let use it absolutely love it!
Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

Mobile Site : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Decisions, Decisions - Effective Decision makers make bad decisions too

Recently I was introduced to the concept of an effective decision maker.

An effective decision maker is one who is not afraid of making decisions in a timely fashion. When they make a bad decision, do you know what they do?

That's right they make another decision.

Decision making is one skill which I have been focusing at improving. I have had a habit of making decisions too late.

As I looking deeper into this idea of decision making it came to me that a lot of us don't make decisions effectively.
In some cases we might have 2 options to take and we wait so long to make a decision that one option is taken from us. Which is bad, but what is even worse is that we feel good about it. We feel good that we don't have to make a decision any longer.
The worry and wondering is gone and we can just get to the action. Even worse is that sometimes we feel like we have made an effective decision.

Yeah this is a mindset that really puts a lid on where we want to go, and being able to get what we want.

I am really getting to appreciate that now.

Recently I had been watching an episode of House, where Dr House's team felt that they should do 2 tests because there was nothing else to try. Dr House said no for no other reason than it was a weak decision. They were at a brick wall and House felt that making such a decision was starting down a path that would lead to more weak decision.

That really shocked me. Really rocked something in me. How many things we do in your fast paced lives today which are not conscious decisions?

What was you last week like?

Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

or view on ur cell : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Scatter Brained


That's right, that's something I have been called. It was something I didn't like and I didn't have a clue what ie really meant.

But I have a greater appreciation for it now. Being a creative guy, there were never any lack of ideas. This when coupled with a burning desire to validate myself, to prove myself to others and get rid of some debt.

It caused me to get started on several projects and many of them ending primarily with good potential. But I was never able to realise that potential.

For a long time I have felt very edgy when it comes to having a new idea, and moving it to a decision to implement it.

I realised that recently I had been failing to really plan. Just taking time even to make a list on the things you want to focus on for a year makes a world of difference.
Added to that, taking the time to prepare and take advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Its only recently that I met a guy who said to me, he wakes each morning and look into his mirror and see the man he wants to be and compares it to the man he is now.
For him that is all that matters.

That was interesting to me for sure.

Over the past few days I realised I reached a similar conclusion.

"As I see the person I want to become. And I focus on getting there all the things I need to have will come to me and happen at the right time and in the right way. Most of all I will be able to make the right decisions to allow this to happen to me." Corey Graham 2.0
Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

or view on ur cell : http://mobile.coreykgraham.com

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Painting A

Its in our greatest difficulties that give us an opportunity to grow and become greater.

Sometimes to take it to the next level it really causes us to really take some time to stop and think and question ourselves in a serious way. Make us fragile and edgy

Over the past week I have been made aware of some really hard and serious challenges people around me have been facing and will have to face. I had my own challenges of changes to face.
I guess sometimes we don't quite realise how much some shifts can cause.
I think the thing is that we have to stop and tweak our motive. So we can get the motivation we need to have the zest and passion for life.

Yo tweak our perspective and appreciate that we need to acknowledge there as been a change and acclimatize to the
New climate.

Its really easier said than done, as lots of emotions swirl all over the place. Using Logic we say,
well we see fine,
Things are cool
I not worrying.

But you know, emotionally we see in a different state to where we think we are and we have to take the time to slow it down for a few, breathe, digest the new climate and rise up again ready to learn and grow a little bit.....
And live.

Corey Graham 2.0
Blog : http://www.coreykgraham.com/blog/

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Express yourself

Express yourself, its important. Be passionate and bold.
There are sometimes you can't get too caught up with what other think or how they will pass judgement on you.

Sometimes you really must just express yourself, confide in someone, spend time commenting or blogging something.

Recently there was someone I knew who said to me they don't spend time to know who they are. They don't like to talk about themselves or thing about themselves. They could bot give me their strengths and weakness. They strengths they did have they did even consider them strengths. You know what that means about their self worth.
They can't value themselves very highly when you consider that this is the way to converse with themselves.
Don't get me wrong they are trying to get better at the things they are doing and become a world-class talent. However their awareness of themselves and their unique gifts. Their combination of strengths and weaknesses are not perceived in a strategic way to make them improve the level of their game.
That's what separates the good coaches from the boy so good. That awareness of their players strengths and weaknesses and they bring able to make the right combination work.
To use strategy specially tweaked to the particular situation and put the right player in the right place and at the right time.
We don't have to look far for upsets in sports. We see it all the time.

Accurate awareness of myself has been one of my challenges over the life and its something I am coming very close to conquering. Being able to know where I need to be and what I need to be doing and at the right time. I am learning that.

Tell me where do you fit? Are you playing the game in the right position and doing the right things at the right times?

Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

My Growth Mind set

I like to distinguish between a "goal mindset" and a "growth mindset." A person with a "goal mindset" has very tangible, numerical goals to achieve over a specific period of time. Nothing is wrong with clearly defined goals, but there's a better way of thinking that I call a "growth mindset." A growth mindset recognizes goals on the journey, but only as part of a process—not as the end results. John C Maxwell

I read this a few minutes ago and went wow!
This is what i have been doing all along. I have been doing all along! I have always seemed to set these "goals" that were not very specific by described a particular habit i wanted to cultivate or do.

Of late too i have been appreciated how many other things have been changing and how many tangible results i have been getting as a result of a commitment to these seemly not quite finished goals. Its not that your goals should not have targets in them, but growth goals allow you to keep going to keep developing .... they bring greatness. You know the enemy of great is good. If we set good goals and we reach them we tend to think we have arrived and never look at going on to greatness.

The best example of this are the goal oriented new years resolutions when some of them get attained by March ... its like the growth stops. I like goals that speak to a serious personal development. When i know that when I take the time to work the goal so many things around me will change and go to a higher level.
This is mindset that has always been with me, I have always aimed at becoming the person i need to be rather than just finding a wayto get the results. I am glad that I am now able to really grasp what this means!

This is my goal as i ascend to Corey Graham 2.0

Corey Graham 2.0

Making a Real Decision

In the world today be place a lot of emphasis on decision making and who is the decision maker. But it only hit me recently.... Do I really know what a good decision looks like? There is certainly not a lot of readily available literature or experts around we can walk up to and say. Teach me how to make good decisions.

This is something I have certainly wrestled with in the last weeks.

I have realised in the last few months that in general we make a lot of conversational decisions. What's a conversational decision? Something we say to keep the conversation going but we haven't taken the time to really commit to that decision.
'Yeah man I going to have to start hitting the gym, infact I will do it next week!'

Ah now you know what I am talking about! Let me take if futher new years resolutions... I know you with me now.
You know we sometimes don't grasp the magnitude of what we are saying with new years resolutions.
This means in June or list of resolutions is still valid, not forgotten.

So we are think now but hmmm, what about if I don't want to do the resolution anymore.... I think that is fine once you made a conscious decision to stop. And of course living with the consequences
Do we do that or do we just discard the documents relating to our new years resolutions court case as null and void? Something we forget? Well we didn't really think it was possible.
In the last week or so I have really understood what it meant to make a real decision. For me waking up. I always go to bed when I a tired. The exception to this is when I am very tired. Often times its at the moment that I hit the bed that I decide when is a good time to wake up. Its always been well I want to wake up 8 pm but anytime before 10 is good.
Lol, and well you know when I was getting up just about 10.

I realised when I have something where I need to definately get up early. I would almost always be up on time. Ready to go. But on the average day. It was hell to wake up.
So I make a more adequate decision recently to get up at a particular time and now I seem to be a lot more willing to drag myself out of bed than before when I was rolling out of bed sometimes a good 2 hours after I first opened my eyes and looked at my clock and said to myself, ok time to get up Corey.
So the power of making a strong decision in AT THE TIME it needed to be made has definately has paid off for me.

What decision are you putting off to be made after its appointed time?
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Belief and Drenalin

Now I also had one other realization. I had lost touch with my dream from Drenalin. So my so that when I think of it I can just hear the responsed and the thoughts of other people who have never really experience what had been my dream.
And those comments of other people became my belief and now I see it is my reality with its Anniversary just a few days away.
I now know that I need to be convicted again. As in 2nd February 2003 when my life was forever changed.
Now my greater understanding will allow me to move forward.

One love!

Drenalin is a dream
A perception of a reality that exists in the mind
A source of ENERGY and STRENGTH
Bounded only by the thoughts created in the mind

It is a Dream

Now this developing sense of hope
Sparks the adrenaline flow,
Arousing the senses
Stimulating the mind and
Creating a surge that is
Corey Graham 2.0
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The Law Of Attraction

I have heard about this law alot in recent times.
Especially via the DVD 'The Secret' that seemed to strike accord in so many of us some just think its hogwash.
For those of us that it connected with it we either knew about it and used it just thought of it as positive thinking... Or some of us thought it was possible but were always too doubtful to try it and was just glad for some validation that The Secert works.

Its been hitting me over the last few days that I am certianly a larger believer in the law of attraction expecting that all the opportunities that I need will appear and I will recognise them and embrace them with open arms. Even those opportunities I am not conscious of at the point in time, I will be attracted to make the right decision.
I am feeling good in these days and my spiritual journey is certainly well.
My consciousness moves outside of my body and I can feel it and its bringing to me all the experiences that I need and request.
At the basis of it - I just made a decision to feel good. And I continue to make that decision day by day and I am realise its easy to feel good! Its easy to feel good !
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Creating a Monster

It only hit me today that I am looking to create a monster. As I take myself through the daily paces of improving aiming at being better at the thing I do.

Its much like the preparation of a soldier, seeing challenges and not just getting over them but looking to leap over them in a special way.

Its for me to learn the lessons and keep willing to go forward and create a monster that is really the shread all the challenges I can possibly face in life.
It really brings back my perspective on what this Corey Graham 2.0 is all about.

Being to Trinidad I realise how much my influence can build over time.
As I move forward with the passion and will of a monster I wil create something phenomenal.

Corey Graham 2.0 who is integrated and connected to life.

Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

The Routine - Break it

I recentlly took a trip to Trinidad and I found that just a simple break in routine changed a few things of my thoughts and actions and allowed me to explore and realise deep things within myself.
I just thought to myself I am going to need to break the routine more often.
I mean so routines we know are good for you like exercising, eating meals and sleep. But stopping to take a step back is very important.

For me it helped me to realise how I have been allowing myself to think that I won't have a lot of money. Its a thought that I guess I have been thinking for so long that now its like I just believe it I don't question it. I just do it.

This is not very cool at all and I am planning to change this thinking in a serious way.

I am going to just accept that I can have a lot of money and enjoy a financially free life having time on my hands to explore new and interesting things and expressing myself.
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Basketball Practice what an experience

Well to start at the beginning nearing the end of 2007 I looked at my goals, and I realised the only goal I would have failed in was getting exercise.
Then next thing I know a friend of mine is inviting me to practice for with his basketball team.
I was so worried about being unfit, it not working it into my schedule etc etc. Fear was taking me, after all I didn't play in 2 years!!
But I went... I just decided to commit to it.
I was sooo unfit, löl it was terrible. I was dead after the warm up jog around the court!
Lol yeah it was terrible. But somehow I managed through. The players though, were telling me that I still look good for a guy who didn't play basketball in 2 years!!

I should state that I never met someone who was more disciplined that me and focused that I was about basketball.
I put in the hours. You can ask my friends too, every analogy I could come up with was ALWAYS basketball. Lol.
Actually I think I pushed myself so much that I lost my love basketball. And I guess I allowed the forces around me to tell me it was not a priority in my life.

But tonite after going to practice let me tell you really enjoyed the heavy breathing the fatigue, even more.
I also found the coach to be very knowledgeable about the game and also the players passionate to play.
One guy asked the coach if he is seeing an improvement in his game! Did I play better today coach?
Man and I thought wow, guys coming out to just play basketball because they love it. The coach coaching because they love it.
For all the complex things in life and my days of worrying and wondering about the future.
It was really a sweet relief to be in this environment we all laughed and had fun playing ball.
There was a clear line of command too with the coach and captain.
It was just wonderful, to I guess be a part of a team, practicing and training to a simple and common goal.
You were told how to improve. I guess maybe it means I need to seek mentors in a serious way for the other parts of my life.
But once again being on a basketball court is really a feeling of relief, and freedom from the complexities of life.
I get really convicted about being on a team and I want to be able to build good strong teams in my life. I want to play my position whatever that is and do what is good for a team.
That's me.
I know that I want to build teams to make things happen.

Hmmm that I what I loved about 300, there was a lot of things in 300 but that core team spirit of Spartans was

Now I know that.

Corey Graham 2.0
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Design of CG for 2008 nears completion

In a specially held press conference by Drenalin Productions it was announced that the Design of CG for 2008 aka CG 2.0 is very close to completion.
'The road to this point has been rough at times the road seemed to vanish completely. I think I was out ability to manage things from a birds eye view and a worms eye view which will allow us to be able reach completion of this project' said Director of Drenalin Productions Corey Graham.

'We will keep you updated through out the year as we progressively roll out CG 2.0.
Thanks for your time' Corey Graham 2.0
Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Solid Start to 2008

I have been excited for 2008 to start I wanted it to signal the launch of CG 2.0 - Corey Graham in a new more ingested version. Living within my environment in harmony.
One of my key aims with this new level was to make sure I take the time to plan more and to be proactive.
And I was getting all excited about the feeling of having life all planned out and going thru the days like a breeze because all the work is on time etc.
And you know I woke up the first day in 2008 with a cold, annoying the hell out of me, I could barely get the planning I wanted done to get the first week in 2008 going well.

I just rested in hope that it will go away, but it lingered into the next day....

But as I woke on the first morning of 2008 I felt this overpowering need to be disciplined. To stop dreaming of things as harder than they actually are. To stop playing up this cold as it would overpower me. To not throw my hands in the air saying I am doomed for the rest of 2008.
Instead I got up, and slowly too time to get myself up to speed on what was going on and how I was feeling.

A few things crossed my mind
My mentor (I call him this because his words have had a profound affect on who I am today)-
John C Maxwell in essence said the road is not going to be nice and tidy, its going to be a bit messy, things are not going to be perfect, but it is going to be sticking to the path that is important.
Nose running-

300 - The movie
I could not get this movie out my head. The whole concept of what it take to be called a Spartan. Here is the part that grabbed me.
"manufactured by 400 years of Spartan warrior society"

Look what it said "MANUFACTURED by 400 years of Spartan warrior society"

This is no training camp this shit is live and its happened, its happening now and it can happen.

Yeah I certainly heard that call.

And then how the movie ends drawing the parallel between and 8 year old boy standing up to a wolf and killing it.
To a Spartan King standing up to a tyrant and dying in battle.

Then I stopped and I became thankful for a same cold to prepare me for a bigger situation.
A confidence I feel now. Fear too, yes.
But ask a Spartan fear is always present but you do not have to accept it.

Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless