The next Evolution of Corey Graham cometh

I think that for the first time in months I can actually honestly look at my future and be positive.

I believe for the first time in my life I can truly say I am developing faith in my somewhat unconventional talents.

There are some core doubts, and demons I have had about myself and abilities all my life. And that prevented me from ever having true faith in my abilities. Too many times I have looked at others and seen them have more faith in me than I did in myself.

The kind of faith you can convince them otherwise.

Its a weird baptism, in life. Its not something I can explain.

I will be honest, I am fearful of really challenging things in the world. Its what I do, I have always be told I think differently. I always thought I thought the same as everyone else by apparently not.

I grew up in a culture where new ideas and new perspectives were not something that was championed. And I was not the best communicator. I have had some unpleasant experiences.

I am scared to truly go out and accomplish what I can.

I am at peace with who I am, and the path of who I am on the way to becoming. I am happy with me. Truly happy.

I really respect my talents and I am growing my life to leverage these talents.

Trust me I have failed at some things over the years. But I am here now.

I am so deep in thought these few days, I feel like I can truly sense things.

I am me. Just me.

Soon to be known as Corey Graham 2.0N

That's me.

One love to you.

Corey Graham 2.0

(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

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