Sticking to it

I have had some interesting days of late and I am certainly realising the notion and idea that success is a state it can't be a fixed point. Success really is a state of being.

Uninvited Stress
There are a few things that have gone quite off course from my plan. It actually sent me back into a bit of a negative state. I missed some of my own deadlines. And I began feeling flustered and stressed. My Chest even got a bit tight one night and I was really wondering what was happening to me.

What was the problem?
And then I took a step back and analysed what I was doing as asked what I was doing wrong?

Then I realised I was cruising for a bit and my computer crashed and I allowed that small event to send me into a panic thinking that all my hopes and dreams going down the drain. Or that they would be delayed and it was too much to bear. Its like I was fighting desparately not to be 'a failure' again.
But then I just asked myself are you going to allow your confidence, focus and drive to be shot over a minor crisis?

Feeling Bad
Its ok to feel bad for a while but then I realised that I could not allow myself to feel bad for too long because it was my reaction to the present situation that was going to determine the future and if those days would be brighter.

My Reaction
I started to use a technique a friend reminded me of, which I used to use. I now know its called lateral thinking. But I took a step back from the situation and asked myself how can I solve this problem. Or better yet. How can I not have the problem again?

I Realised
Then I realised that though the immediate future looked not so rosy. I found that I was already working on skills and ideas that will cause me to be much greater in the long run. And I was allowing some of them to slip because of this mini crisis.

Stick to it
I realised all I had to do was to stick to the same focus I had before. Now that the computer was gone it was a blessing because as my favourite inventor would say.

It was a chance to begin again more intelligently.

My focus
So then my focus was on doing what I could do. Learning better ways of going about my plans I ideas. Use the opportunity to move forward to bigger and better thing when the crisis was over.

Yup I heard a story once of a cowboy who lost all his cattle, his house, wife and children. He cried like a baby but rode off into the sunset a new and much more intelligent man.
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