Full Of Motive - Motivated

These days are a bit rosier that usual. I feel like I have reached a better station in life.

Some of my fears of reaching to my desired station in life have been relaxed as I rebuild my company step by step. I am certainly a lot wiser than I was 5 years ago and that helps to remove some of the doubt.

I believe that one of the core things for this new motivation is my learning new things and expanding my horizons. Adding some discipline into my routine, and some more balance. The main thing though is pushing myself to new levels of creativity and understanding. It is the imagined outcome as I implement new ideas and move forward.

The main change is that I have been taking some bigger risks than I did before and also reaching out to more progressive people.

It is interesting how you can evolve and no one else knows about you. Its gonna take some situation for them to get the words coming from your mouth. The thing is I am not in a hurry to show anyone anything. It will all evolve over time. I am enjoying the fundamental changes in my approach to several things and I am awaiting the outcome.
Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Pushing Ahead Again

These last few days I has been becoming clearer and clearer to me. As my confidence has grown piece by piece. I think that when it comes down to it, confidence and self worth are the keys to reaching your goals.
I guess we all know that in some form or fashion.
The big issue though is what we tie or confidence to. It could be a person, a gf or bf, or a position or post or a lifestyle. This I really where the big challenge begins when we cannot have our centre for our confidence come from inside us.
Over the past I would say almost 6 months I have had to work on having my confidence come from more inside of me. As things around me crumbled and evolved in a way I did not envision.

Today, I feel stronger. I am now confident I can overcome challenges that life toss my way. And that I have a process that even if I end up on the wrong road it won't be for too long as I would be able to get back on track.

This actually allows me to be a lot more helpful with others. I can actually do more for them and feel good about myself for it. Rather than feel like someone is taking advantage of me.

This allows me to also be assertive and dish out more no's when people are not taking into account my well being. It am now more forceful in making sure I create a win win environment in my life.

I am allowing others, and in some cases giving back to others the responsibility for their actions. I am putting it where it belongs.

I am also quick to admit when I am wrong or when I have made a mistake and I figure out ways to fix it.

Things are getting even better for me now.

Corey Graham 2.0
(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device