Corey Graham 2.0 N goes Live

Here I am just taking a moment to bookmark my history as I prepare to take myself to

Corey Graham 2.0 N

Where N = Network. 

That's right the Corey Graham 2.0 Network will start to be developed as of right now. The idea is really not to make this Journey about just me. I treasure teamwork and people and over the last few months I have been very torn by my Corey Graham 2.0 goals and the time and energy I was investing in other persons.
I live people and I think its worthwhile investing in people but my plans had not featured people enough.
I found that alot of people seemed to be interested in what I was doing especially as a writer/blogger. It was quite overwhelming that people would embrace my thoughts in that way, after some time it became a bit taxing too. This was due to me trying to balance being CG 2.0 going out there all by myself.  Its just so much more fun with other people around. It was not long before other people would offer their ideas. so Corey why don't you do this or why don't do that. Many times those suggestions helped me to be better and vice versa. 
After doing a little bit of overhauling and planning I realised that this netowrk of people I have met or grown closer to over the last year, really area key what i want to accomplish in my life hence ... 

Corey Graham 2.0 N

where N = Network, 

Now anything raised to the power n tends to infinity, which is exactly what happens when CG 2.0 is raised to the power of a network the possibilities become limitless. 

This is just my network, you can grow your own network too! 

Corey Graham 2.0 N

The next Evolution of Corey Graham cometh

I think that for the first time in months I can actually honestly look at my future and be positive.

I believe for the first time in my life I can truly say I am developing faith in my somewhat unconventional talents.

There are some core doubts, and demons I have had about myself and abilities all my life. And that prevented me from ever having true faith in my abilities. Too many times I have looked at others and seen them have more faith in me than I did in myself.

The kind of faith you can convince them otherwise.

Its a weird baptism, in life. Its not something I can explain.

I will be honest, I am fearful of really challenging things in the world. Its what I do, I have always be told I think differently. I always thought I thought the same as everyone else by apparently not.

I grew up in a culture where new ideas and new perspectives were not something that was championed. And I was not the best communicator. I have had some unpleasant experiences.

I am scared to truly go out and accomplish what I can.

I am at peace with who I am, and the path of who I am on the way to becoming. I am happy with me. Truly happy.

I really respect my talents and I am growing my life to leverage these talents.

Trust me I have failed at some things over the years. But I am here now.

I am so deep in thought these few days, I feel like I can truly sense things.

I am me. Just me.

Soon to be known as Corey Graham 2.0N

That's me.

One love to you.

Corey Graham 2.0

(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Hmmm Who am I really?

In recent times I have heard the following comments from those who are close to me and can gauge me well enough.

'its clear that you have a gift for people, based on your life'

'You are creative, and you never know what you are going to come up with next'

'Corey you got to give yourself more credit. You have done well so far'

These are all comments from people who are close to me. They are all comments that have really picked me up, and started me to bring more positivity into my life. They all jerked me to not look at the problems I have. But look at the opportunities and build on them.
They have urged me to focus more, to become more than I am demonstrating.
I think in recent times my self confidence is being tested in a significant way.
Another people I am close to mentioned I'm not the most assertive.
And I realize it is based on my self confidence. My sense of worth has been lowered a tad bit.

You know I am thankful for the comments deeply thank ful but I feel like I have a lot more to give to the world. And I need to learn how to tap into the untapped areas of my life.
I feel like the path before me is a little unclear. However maybe I need to focus on what is clear while leaving some time to have fun with the unclear.

I can admit I am scared, I keep wondering if I am dividing up my time, energy and money in the right ways.

One conviction I have though is to cut all the frills and really go after my ultimate dream.
I mean really start the day tomorrow with the email to energise and provoke Caribbean people, to come together.
Its not even a case of doing. Its to just let the passion be raw. Its a case of just unleashing a sleeping beast.
I believe I am scared. I am scared because the last time I unleashed my raw passion and creativity. I ended up with many other challenges. I couldn't control it.
I wonder if I am at a level where I can really control it now.
Where I can really channel my life.

I am not going to die with all my music still in me.

Certainly is just a case of having some discipline and a plan and execution.
Building a daily routine that develops me into the man I need to be.

I have lost sight of the man I need to be and that's allowed me to slow down.

Its time to revitalize myself.
That's what I need.

Its is clear now.

I will become who I need to become so that I can have what I need to have.

Corey Graham 2.0

(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device

Play your role

It does take its toll sometimes, yes life. It is not easy, when the things change in ways you did not expect. When secrets are revealed and dreams, passions considered to be broken.

It never is easy to pull away or remain faithful to the dream. Oh yes, do what is logical?

Hmm really? Does that make sense, when logic is a distant thought and emotions take over?

I have to be honest, I need to be a bit more real with myself what I am feeling at the moment in time.

Hmm, there needs to be a pure truth shared, so that something new van be formed.

Communication is important, understanding, clarity and focus.

The Red Button is still being built and developed.

I am thinking that I want to be a winner. I want to win at life and be able to accomplish my dreams. Leave an inspiring legacy that might be able to inspire others when they come to this point in the road.

You have got to build it, a connection at a time, relationship at a time and a brick at a time.

Positively and strongly step forward to play your role, not 10 roles, not 5 roles. Play your role in making all other roles work.

Your role might not be as your team leader or coach defines it. But there is a role you can play that will secure a victory. Play that role. Corey Graham 2.0

Corey Graham 2.0

(Check My Biz Blog, Entertainment blog & more)

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device