Lovely Article

Hey everyone,
It valentines day, hope that everyone was able to be honest and truthful with those people around them.
Yeah, I know they are you that don't celebrate Valentine's Day, let me offer a different perspective on the issue, especially for you busy people, let these celebrations be the day that you get it all done.
All those things your promised to do, you promised yourself you would say. Use the day or season to assist you in stepping out your comfort zone in some cases, to show appreciation. Be thoughtful, have your displays of affection encourage others to do the same.
We all need deadlines, to get those things we been putting off for the "right" time use all the energy in the air to let it all out.
My day went well, I believe I stepped out there to show appreciation to the different people who crossed my path, and not with gifts, but simple thoughtfulness, and kindness.
I have to say it felt good. It showed my growth from an emotional perspective, I can allow myself, to feel. Its ok. To be me.
And not have vent up feelings, and emotions.
I am letting that energy flow through me, and into other people.
Ahhh, wow now there is a thought. I just had a realisation as I was typing that...
Maybe this is really what harmony is all about, being able to communicate with those around you, let feelings flow, let energy flow. Give and take.
What a beautiful thing.
Interesting that word harmony.....
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,


Wow, I am really encouraged to continue writing and updating this blog frequently.
My last entry "Realism" received some pretty interesting responses. What impressed me the most was how people seems compel to comment, or rather to discuss it. I did not get the same old dry. Nice article, interesting. People responded immediately with their thoughts and ideas.
The first to respond were Maisha, Kyle and Richard.

Thanks for your responses. I spoke to Maisha and Kyle over msn, on my blackberry and i have no record of the conversation... So I will refrain from quoting them...but I will say the conversation continued and revealed a lot about how this whole "realism" affects us all.

Richard wanted to post a comment on the blog, and sent an email, so I figured it would be best to highlight his thoughts here. Richard has touched on a new dimension to the issue.

Before we get to Richard's email. I want to say that the "reality" of the importance of this blog has struck home, solidly to me.
This blog can really help me to develop myself as a communicator and allow me too, to be able to draw on the power of those persons around me.

You know me ever a believer in synergy and a believer in people, I am readily willing to connect with you and hear what you have to say.
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

I feel re-assured about my decision to start this blog, and allow for it to include all of you willing to take D'Journey with me.

Oh gosh, let me shut up for now, cause there is just so much in me ready to flow out, I might never end.

So here is Richard's comments to "REALISM".
Hey Corey

Interesting thoughts on the meaning of Reality. (I tried to put my
comments on your blog but the comments page kept refreshing making it
impossible to even type a word)

Your post reminds me of the flaw in language. That a word is a symbol
that triggers an idea in a person's mind. And one symbol can trigger
many ideas in one mind, further more many different ideas in different
minds. Your post makes it clearer to me the challenge in communication

What is reality is a damn good question. Is it where we are today? Or
is it where we are going? Or is it where we are in our mind already?
Your twists and turns lead me to conclude that reality is what we
accept it as - and what we make our decisions on - and we shouldn't
take it too seriously since it isn't real.

Quick thought: What is real? Only what is eternal and universal is real.
Serious reality is eternal. Transitory or temporary reality is irrelevant.

Good stuff. Keep it up.


Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,


Wow, this is an interesting topic!

Just what is real?

Thinking about it some more and you got to wonder, what about believing in dreams?
You know what they say, act as though the dream is real and it will happen...

You know, think about it, have you ever heard anyone say,

"Don't worry everything is going to work
out fine"

"Just look on the positive side of things"

"Live your dreams"

"It's all in your mind"

Then you're going to have those celebrities who came from humble beginnings saying, they go back to where they were raised ever so often because they want to "keep it real"

Just what is real ?

What do you think Morpheus of the movie The Matrix will say?
Reality is just a matter of perception,
Its just another level of consciousness?

Even my own concept for Drenalin embrace this line of thought.

Drenalin is a Dream
A perception of a "REALITY" that exists in the mind.......

Then you are going to have Jack Welch the man who is a legend of leadership for his accomplishments with GE Electric while he was CEO at that company,
You are going to hear this extremely successful man say to you.

"See reality as it is not as it was or as it will be or as you think it should be....See reality as it is. And make decisions based on reality.

So wait..... hold on.....aren't we told to make decisions based on your dreams and what we want to accomplish?

It would seem like a conflict to the "live your dream" positive-type mentally.
Where's the great hope, the great hope that makes the big success stories of your favourite sportsman, whose when all seems to be lost and they come through big and win the game for the team.

I personally, Didn't really grasp this "realism", esp. when it came to going after those dreams... But recent events have helped me to clarify it this "reality"

You ever heard anyone say, set realistic goals?
This has not been my strength. I haven't always been the best planner. And often my creativity helps to get me out of challenging situations I end up in
I used to always set unrealistic goals, I remember I set-up a schedule for myself and forgot to include sleeping/rest and relaxation time. Lol

So I have derived a short little saying from all my ponderings

Realism is an important part of life and while dreaming and wishing for the future remember what's happening today Is real, and marry the realism of today with the dream of tommorrow. Corey Graham.

Also something else that was very helpful was John Maxwell's stages that he went through, to become a more realistic thinker

1. I do not engage in realistic thinking
2. I do not like realistic thinking
3. I will let someone else do realistic thinking
4. I will do realistic thinking only after I am in trouble.
5. I will do realistic thinking before I am in trouble.
6. I will continually make realistic thinking a part of my life
7. I will encourage my key leaders to do realistic thinking
8. I will make realistic thinking the foundation of our business.
9. I derive certianity and security from realistic thinking.
10. I rely heavily on facts and make judgement based on the worse case scenario.

Where are you??

Let me keep it real, I wrote most of this on the bus, and the rest when I got home....
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

What is the point of this blog?


I had an idea ....hmmmm since this blog is called D'Journey. I will take you through the steps that go through to create everything in blog.

I am feeling a little "stage fright" as this blog because as I envision it, this blog will require me to be more open to the world with some aspects of my life.
We all go through that phase of life where we are scared to do new and different things because we want to live up the society's standards. We want to be accepted, we want to be cool, we want to respected.....but this blog is about me stepping out there and trying new things and creating myself.

"Life is not about discovering one's self, its about finding oneself."

So what is it about ?

Its been always hard for me to communicate some of my inner urges passions towards certain projects. wait, hold on .... we got something here ......
1. To help me express my creative spirit better to the world.
Wow.... this is easy,
Well how about we develop that creative spirit more and have this forum be an outlet for that
Well....., lets do ittt !!!!
2. To help me develop my creative thinking talent and unveil new realities to the world, (which will be improved with your help)

Alright we are looking good so far soooooo whats next ??
Why would people come to read this blog....hmmm ?

We in a recent conversation with my friend Richard we realised that people tend to like whatever you put your energy and heart into .... PEOPLE like passion ! Sooooo since this blog is the Journey ... well hmmmm... is it possible that we can let the topics evolve as the journey progresses ????
Good decision !

Well if we are evolving where are we going ?
Ahh this is pretty easy .... my mission statement for my life will provide all the direction we need on this journey. What is it hmmmmmm ...... let see if you can guess it until i am read to reveal it to the eyes of man.

One thing that you will be sure of is alot of philosophy and new ways of looking at the same problem. I will share with you those persons who are a source of knowledge and influence in my life sooooo yes look forward to recommendations on what is good and what is not.

Wow, so much to say !! When i decided to start this I thought i would be challenged to find things to say. lol.

But of course - Corey don't forget you are a writer - u love to write .... D'Journey the SAGA has begun!!!!!

"Develop a habit in life to do the things that your fear to do, and you will experience growth"