Merry Christmas Message from CG 2.0

Over hearing Christmas messages on the TV on after another, the idea dawned on me to create a Christmas Message of my own.

"I don't feel like things come into my head to die there." K. Rich.

Disclaimer : this is no act of making myself greater that I really am. Its just my message. Maybe you should think about what your message is.

We have lived to see Christmas 2007, which has a special meaning to all of us. Every year we seem to argue
And debate what Christmas really if to us, what should we do. How will we spend the day? Should we be kind for others. I cannot answer these questions for you. I will not make decisions for you and how you spend your Christmas. That's your call. If you haven't made a single strong and confident desicion all year, make one now.
In talking to those who I find myself in close quarters with they simply decided to enjoy Christmas. That's it nothing more. No details, no Wishlist. The decision was simple just enjoy Christmas for what it is. The opportunity to make 'an excuse' to spend time with family you haven't stayed in contact with, enjoy our very human interactions on this day.
Also take some time to strip down from the armour you wear daily to rest a while and enjoy the day.

I would tell you today, look at Christmas from another perspective, forget of all the demands, the social pressures and give yourself the gift of thinking. Control your thoughts all yourself to think.

My gift to myself this morning was an idea. It was obvious but I only just realised it!
Over the past few days I have realised that I am a much much more focused person than I was 2 years ago esp. in terms of focusing my energy and time into a goal I want to accomplish. Its only now occuring to me I can make it a little more deliberate and make a budget for how much of my money I want to INVEST into my goals. I am excited to try that out! I can't wait to see what happens next. I have been talking better care of my money, listening to Rich Dad, Poor Dad and reading 'Generation Debt'.

So that is my gift to myself. I can't value it yet. Maybe in a few years it will be worth millions, and I will have a best selling book. What a Christmas 2007 would have been.

So I say to you again look for a new perspective, write your Christmas Message and decide how you will feel.

Merry Christmas to you!

Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Are You ready?

Are you ready to defend you latest resolution?

Yes yes, we all feel great when we make a new resolution, had some big realisation. We get truly excited and we tell the world, we tell everyone about how wonderful life truly is. We are thankful to be alive.

I know this feeling quite well, in fact I just love that feeling. I enjoy it totally! You can check out my post on CG 2.0. You will see all the passion and excitement in that post!

If it is one thing I have learnt and most certainly today it was apparent, is that we will meet with resistance.
Even if we are all fired up to make the next play or stand you ground in a arguement. There will be something that will cause you to question, cause you to wonder about your resolution. That happened to me today. One of my friends told me she didn't quite associate with all the things in my Blog and initially it really impacted me. For she is a great fan of my Blog and has mentioned many and encouraging word.
They were hard words to shallow, but then I realised that there will not be absolute agreement with everything I say. In some cases it might just take a few days or years to really appreciate some experiences that I might have blogged about. Wow so simple and rational!
But it still sent me off the edge feeling a little emotional because of my attachment with this Blog.
It made me think and realise how ready and at the same time unprepared to justify this blogs significance to me and my spirit.
Something to think about for sure.

What about you are you ready to justify the significance of your work, your life plan and your daily thoughts?

Are you ready?
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Falling from Grace

They say don't keep things in your head because you will just find yourself stressed out.

I have been feeling stressed these last weeks and I want to make an admission to you.

Being Strong
Now I have always been passionate about helping people and one of my things has always been to be in a place where is am able to be strong enough to help my people when they are in need.
I guess a lot of this tended to be more the emotional challenges the plague us all. I don't want to be necessarily the next Dr. Phil or anything. But I want to be able to help out when it is asked of me.
I hated when I would be paralysed and become stiff when people would be going thru rough times and want to lean on me. I was not sure what to do, what to say.
When all they really needed was that key piece of wisdom at the right time and the right place to cause all the difference!
Well I have improved greatly on myself and I am now less inclined to become stiff when someone needs a listening ear and or a key piece of wisdom to set them on a path for them to discover the answer they are seeking.
Over the last few days, there have been a few people who needed a listening ear or some key piece of wisdom or even just their thoughts re affirmed.....

Fear Falling From Grace
Well I was having some challenges of my own, things had been changing I started asking myself if I was good enough to get what I needed to do done?
Was I in over my head in my responsibilities?

And with some others around me having some major events happening in their lives and verbalizing them to me. I began to ask myself the one question that has been the source of a fear that has stunted my growth previously. It has been one of the main questions that I have pondered on since I was 10 years old.
That question was
...are the walls caving in? Am I falling from Grace? Falling down from my position on the mountain top?

And you know its a hell of a question to ask yourself. It blurs your reality so fast your bearings begin erode! You find yourself a bit direction less and beyond that you wondered if you were ever on the right track at all. Everything becomes fuzzy!
For me it became hard to be positive, it was harder to control emotions, harder to make decisions, harder to be positive. Harder to be have a steady hand even in dealing with the simplist things. You even forget you even had goals. Bad habit start to form...

But I had to stop to say no to it all!
No there is not a right way. There is not one particular path.

'Life is a journey, just enjoy each stage' captures the sense of wisdom shared by Karen L Richardson (as she celebrated 2 years on radio and launched a blog)

We have all heard this before in some form or fashion ... but this time it really hit me. Its not even a journey to a destination then you stop and say ahhhh i made. Not A particular point you have to stop at. Its just a journey like Around the world in 80 days when the journey itself is the whole point!

So there is no fall from grace, there is just another step which you choose. Its not like the last step, its just a new step.

The next step, will bring new realities. The question is - Are you going to step down or step up? Corey Graham 2.0

Corey Graham 2.0

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Being Strong and Fear of falling from Grace

They say don't keep things in your head because you will just find yourself stressed out.

I have been feeling stressed these last weeks and I want to make an admission to you.

Being Strong
Now I have always been passionate about helping people and one of my things has always been to be in a place where is am able to be strong enough to help my people when they are in need.
I guess a lot of this tended to be more the emotional challenges the plague us all. I don't want to be necessarily the next Dr. Phil or anything. But I want to be able to help out when it is asked of me.
I hated when I would be paralysed and become stiff when people would be going thru rough times and want to lean on me. I was not sure what to do, what to say.
When all they really needed was that key piece of wisdom at the right time and the right place to cause all the difference!
Well I have improved greatly on myself and I am now less inclined to become stiff when someone needs a listening ear and or a key piece of wisdom to set them on a path for them to discover the answer they are seeking.
Over the last few days, there have been a few people who needed a listening ear or some key piece of wisdom or even just their thoughts re affirmed.....

Fear Falling From Grace
Well I was having some challenges of my own, things had been changing I started asking myself if I was good enough to get what I needed to do done?
Was I in over my head in my responsibilities?

And with some others around me having some major events happening in their lives and verbalising them to me. I began to ask myself the one question that has been the source of a fear that has stunted my growth previously. It has been one of the main questions that I have pondered on since I was 1 years old.
That question was
...are the walls caving in? Am I falling from Grace? Falling down from my position on the mountain top?

And you know its a hell of a question to ask yourself. It blurs your reality so fast your bearing begin erode! You find yourself a bit directionless and beyond that you wondered if you were ever on the right track at all. Everything becomes fuzzy!
For me it became hard to be positive, it was harder to control emotions, harder to make decisions, harder to be positive. Harder to be have a steady hand even in dealing with the simplist things. You even forget you even had goals. Bad habit start to form...

But I had to stop to say no to it all!
No there is not a right way. There is not one particular path.

'Life is a journey, just enjoy each stage' Karen L Richardson.

We have all heard this before but this time it really hit me. Its not even a journey to a destination then you stop. Its just a journey. Around the world in 80 days we say!

So there is no fall from grace, there is just another step which you choose. Its boy like the last step, its just a new step.

The next step whatever it may be, will be bringing new challenges. Well my friends the real question is are you going to step down or step up? Corey Graham 2.0

Corey Graham 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Commissioning a Philosopher

This is a title many have over a number of years have tried to trust on me and though I have been very flattered by it. I did not believe it was a title that I was worthy of as it was just an offering or it was in response to some key pearls of wisdom I had dispersed. This was usually after I had laboured and spent a significant time thinking about a particular area.

What has changed?

I think with the advent of this Blog I began to take on the view that life is indeed a journey. A series of steps which can be represented by milestones or in my humble Blog post.

More than that this Blog has given me the energy to become more. It added a new roll to my life's journey. I moved from an advise giver to a traveller on life's journey. Taking deliberate steps on my own, to become something greater. To charge on to new realities comfortable with me and who I am becoming. A process that has been releasing powerful energy in me. Tremendous insights, wisdom, perspective and love.

I am a philosopher, still growing but I am. I can now accept that title. This will not define me and I will not define it.

It will now be.

As within, so without.

CG 2.0

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32nd Sir Winston Scott Memorial Lecture titled "Making Globalization Work for Developing Countries

I am now on my way home from the 32nd Sir Winston Scott Memorial Lecture titled "Making Globalization Work for Developing Countries delivered by Professor Joseph Stiglitz Nobel Prize Laureate and University Professor Columbia University, New York. Professor Stigiltz is known for his work in Economics and has been a part of the Clinton Administration. It was clear of how well know he was when I entered the Hall 10 mins before his lecture and could not find a seat!
Also the present Min. Of Trade of Barbados Dame Bille Miller had sent Prof. Stigilitz book to the Central Bank's Govenor lobbying for him to be the man to come and speak for this lecture and flew non stop from Uganda to be in the Hall to hear this lecture.

This lecture is given as the highlight of the Barbados Central Bank outreach program, and occur just days ahead of Barbados Independence.

Let me take the time out to thank the central bank for making it all freeee!!!! Along with the cocktail reception after featuring Mr Johnnie Walker Red himself along with red & white wine and everything in between. Also with shrimp, conkies, chicken... Lol yeah...they know how to do it!!!!

Main Event
The main event was of course Professor Joseph Stigiltz lecture. I have to commend the Professor on making the subject matter digestible for a guy like me who is just enlightening himself to the financial world. I was fearful that the vocabulary alone of this Nobel Prize Winner would have been over my head. Thankfully I was able to follow.

Alrite so let me capture for you a few of the points to good professor made which stick out in my head.

There is a problem with globalization its I really not working out as we have expected. A lot of developing countries are seeing a great disparity in its advantages and disadvantages. The developing countries are not growing they are not seeing the grow patterns they have been accustomed to before globalisation. Brazil for example moved from recording 5 % growth as a standard to bringing a position where they think 3 % us phenomenal !

Mindsets have not changed,
Initially it was colonism and now its just globalization.

It is not that globalization is a bad thing but its just that managed badly,

Wealth if flowing from the poorer countries to the more developed countries.

And this is for several reasons but the main reason is that the 'free trade' agreements we 'negoitate' are

1. Not really free trade agreements because they are designed to help the developed countries (USA and the EU) as these countries use their expertise in the different disciplines to put 'fine print' in the agreements which the developing countries don't understand.
For example drug companies in the US who fund political campaigns request certain consessions to be negoitated and the US Trade minister go to developing countries and negoitiate these, which ends up causing the drugs to cost 10 times as much to the developing countries. In Short with these agreements the developing countries do not win.

2. These agreements are not really negotiated its a take it or else I will cut your funding etc. attitude the developed Countries come in with.

He gave the example of Mexico and NAFTA where NAFTA. What was happening was that America was having a lot of Mexican migrants because the disparity in income over the border was so great. So NAFTA was supposed to enhance conditions in Mexico so there would be no need for the Mexican people to migrate to America, however because of chapter 11 the situation in Mexico actually declined. What happened because of Chapter 11, was that the American corn farmers who were given 50% of their revenue by the American government via incentives, were now competing with the Mexcan Famers. And obviously they took over the Mexican market with cheaper corn, and in the end the farmers ended up being poorer.
Clearly the American's bebefitted and the Mexicans didn't. And we can all figure that out today.

He did make the point that Mexico should have spend more time in research and development allowing themselves to develop competitive products for the global market place, so that they could make some use of the free trade agreement to
Remain competive and compete with cheap goods being made in China and exported to the USA for example.

He also made the point that the developed countries make the point to divide and conquer the smaller nations by making unilateral agreements with each developing state individually.

He thinks that developing countries should pull together to increase bargaining power and enhance their ability to negoitiate better arrangements.

Another example that stuck out in my mind was bangledesh. He said USA made a 'free trade' agreement with Bangeldesh, where they were alllowed to export 97% of all products produced to the American people. Sounds like a great deal right? Well wrong, by this deal Bangeldesh was only allowed to export things like Jet Engines in that 97 % but that 3 % they were not allowed to export the things they actually had which were textiles etc.

Free Movement of Capital Vs Free movement of Labour

He said we were allowing capital to move and not labour, but would should be allowing labour to move. Because by allowing capital/investment to move the issue becomes more about what is the best deal.
The consideration is not for the other things like enviroments issues but just how can we get the lowest price.
If labour was moving the government would have to spend time making sure that they have things in place like proper health care, working conditions etc, so that they can attract the best labour force.

Climate is changing

He was saying that we are now a part of a global country now where economic crisis USA is having impact on developing countries even though there is not a direct link.
Also as issues like global warm affect everyone in the world, a new wave of thinking is forming where USA and the EU are beinging to appreciate the role developing countries play in their future and the future of the world. And they are beginining to appreciate the need for democracy in the international society rather than their present mood of operation where Trade Ministers are given a list of consessions they go out try to solicit.
I think the best example he gave of this, was the fact that we should all make payments to those countries which provide the world with air via rainforest. I think this was my highlight of the night. Essentially the Prof was saying we should commit resources to combatting the serious threat of global warming by ensuring the rainforests are protected in these developing countries. Wow, such a simple solution just based on a matter of perspective. The rainforest is important to all of us. I mean think about it, you are breathing now right? How much would pay to keep your life? It affects us all!

The question is only whether we make changes before or after a crisis, and hopefully it won't be after in a patch work way which will just pace the way for another crisis later.

As another area he talked about Intellectual property.
He said intellectual property mechanisms in US is stiffilling creativity. And it is this mechanism America sold to the world.
He made the example that the USA government took over the legal battles over patents for the aeroplanes so that they would be ready for World War 1.

He used Microsoft as an example where they crush innovation by their way of operation.

Knowledge is like a candle, when you light a candle is does not diminsh the light from the first candle. Thomas Jefferson

This is how we need to treat intellectual property so that we can move the world forward.

Well it is now 1:43 am, I am going to stop now.
I trust that this captures the main points of the lecture and offers some level of enlightenment to you, if you missed it.

PS. Besides the food the cocktail reception was an excellent networking opportunity.

CG 2.0
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Fragility of Life

"if you strip away all the creativity, money and riches we are all human beings having a human experience" R. Kelly

Recently I have been confronted with the realities of how fragile life is from a mere cold to death.

Its really made me stop to ask myself if I have been taking the time to truly enjoy my days rather than just endure them. Treasuring life in the most simple things.

I had to ask myself am I creating the kind of environment around me to alllow for this to happen.

I know I really treasure harmonious interactions, but I found myself questioning myself. How much time and energy have I been investing to make this happen?

I asked myself -
Those annoying habits you quietly endure?
You feeling too tired to be there when it really matters?
Setting up your people for disappointment by making promises you might not keep?
Are you honest with them about the way you are feeling?

I kept thinking about all the other things that would make my life enjoyable and not something I just endure
And I realise that, to relieve stress, confusion and fustration that cause life to be just endurable has a lot to do with who you are.

I realise that now that I am on my way to the person I want to be and my life seems so much sweeter. As I looked around and I measured up myself I realised there is still much I need to do to get to where I want to be.

I realise life is not perfect in terms of what can happen to us. death, sickness, accident etc. However our quality of life is totally in our hands, delivered to us by our daily decisions, reactions to situations and habits we develop. Corey Graham 2.0

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This has certianly been a topic and has not received a fair share of my cerebral activity over my existance.

My attitude has always been well I going and do this and then that and then money going to be around there.

I never did give lot of thought to the ideas that represent economics and finances etc.

When you are in go to school and get a good job philosophy, if you are not actually studying this topic you have no idea about it!

My thoughts on money is nowhere near finished. However since I was 10 I appreciated that money was developed so that we won't have to keep trading an apple for a coconut or a chair for shirt.
Money therefore was something we agreed upon which made things simpler.

Now something I picked up from negoitiating is that the value of something is relative to the person. I not a person that would do very much with a cookbook, but give me a book on photography! I spend up to $40 US on 1 photography already.

Now I realise that as marketing gets better and better alot of cool great stuff will be at our finger tips. And there will be no shortage of things to buy!
Its what we are all doing looking to develop products to buy.
So think about it really think. Maybe the world might go back to a place where money is obsolete!!
And we trade goods and services?

What do you think?
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Free mind, clarity Creativity

If you have been following my Blog you would easily realise the spaces between posts, and I would have mentioned some increase in responsibilities.

I even had one nite where I was feeling pressure on my coming from different directions !! Stress!

I quickly realised that it was partly because I was keeping all the little niggling things to list in my head. And I would keep processing them, which keep the fear of not getting them done or forgetting them altogether very alive.
Needless to say when you are confronted by promises you made and they never materialize, whether at home or at work or to a friend. It really can play tricks on your mind - you quickly feel burdened, worried, some stripes from your self confidence seem to whither away, vanish completely.
And for those of use gung ho very confident people who know how to protect or regain our self confidence. There is still the problem of
- ratings
- reputation
- legacy
- strain on the relationship (professional or personal) that plague us.

I found and found that I was able to jot down things which took them out of my head and onto a list were I didn't have to worry about remember.
I found I was lighter, freer. In some cases far more productive because I could find a list of small things that too me 30 mins or less and really turned around some projects and help me out of the phase of putting out fires all the time, and in a place to proactive in all areas of life.
This quickly though became a little unmanageable it was just a 2 dimensional way of looking at things. The things to be done were either in Project 1, 2 or 3. And I couldn't use it on my blackberry.

That is when I stumbled upon Todomatrix by The really spent some time working on Todomatrix and you can see that from their white paper.

They basically created a system that can support GTD ( and Franklin Covey ( time management paradigms. Not one or the other as mutually exclusixe philosophies, but synergistically. And giving birth to 1 other area neither philosophy addresses directly

At the same time keeping todomatrix very flexible to your personal style and even situation. Not all of us might have an office for example...
NOW by their standard you don't just look at task by project or the time due but by in 7 dimensions

Place - where is this task to be done, on the phone, in the car, in the office, at the computer?
Level of importance - which quadrant is it in? Important and urgent? Important but not urgent? Not important but urgent ? And not urgent and not important?
Role - what is your role brother or sister? manager? Friend? Son or daughter?
Delegates - who is to work on the task.

After giving it a trial, I bought the software and I'll let you know how it goes. They say it takes 12 months to really get into it, and the real rewards are apparent 2 years after. But so far my mind is a little clearer, so I am looking forward to an even clearer mind.

Let me know of your own thoughts in terms of time/task management. I never really did a whole lot of it till now! Well outside my head that is.

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The launch of CG 2.0 in 2008

Corey Graham 2.0

This is a little marketing slogan I coined after looking forward into 2008.

Its really just saying that I am expecting to be more diverse and multi faceted come 2008.
It might sound cocky. You know not really, let me start at the beginning!

Scrolling Through my Calendar
It was a mixture of the just scrolling through my calender one day, just looking to anticipate things that might come my way. Christmas and then new years, then Carnival in TT......

I stopped to recall last year this time.
.... I was just starting into photography and becoming known next thing I knew... by the end of Christmas I had taken the photo of 90 % of the people on my msn. And no not just in a party or fete. It almost anywhere!
I has just gotten passionate about photography and my life was transforming..

Then .. Boom I was at carnival and out there meeting old friends and enjoying myself... And getting ready to fly higher than high in High definition ... No no not sing along with machel.
I mean fly!
Next thing I was full time with BoomTribe....
Then editing video...
Then I had a gf
Then producing a TV ad

Then my camera goes dead! The flow stopped right no it didn't!
I just got into more video, and more editing
And wait I was giving others tips about photography
Along the way too I picked up some great friends
Helped others prosper, chicken and beer
Oh wait how could I forget... This Blog
I spawned a series of blogs
Then I was into a bit of managing people
Wait a taste of project management,
A taste of teamwork
Then some marketing and adding of responsibility.

Wow, at one point I was scared I was not sure where to stop, and stake my claim, so many areas! Worried sick?
Who are you Corey?

Then I looked at 2007 goals and I was like wow! Wait I am Going where I wanted to go? Let me look at 2006 wow the same thing?

Then I looked back at 2008 and I got so excited! I now have a habit for Change, a track record and I will take it to the next level. I am so excited.
I had a headache a few days ago and in 1 second of getting excited about 2008 and beyond it disappeared my head was clear!!
Don't thing it was all perfect! They were some hard lessons, listening to lots of motivational speakers. It a lot of effort!
But I am doing it......

So this 2008 look out for

Corey Graham 2.0

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

Interesting concept!!

Successful people make decisions early in their life and manage those decisions the rest of their life....
I started watching and I couldn't stop let me know what you think!
Its a very interesting concept. I can relate a bit.
I decided to be creative.

If anyone would have told me I would have made video ad in the year 2007 to be shown on tv. I won't have believed them. At that time I just felt like I was trying to manage between photography and videography.
Thinking I will have to choose one. Or take a particular twist.

Anyways check out the video

You will have your own stories to tell.

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In your Face!

Yeah sounds nasty doesn't it? By that is what a friend of mine told me about a quote I had in msn name.
He is the only one who commented on it!
Usually I get all kinds of comments when I place a quote in my msn name. But this one just didn't. My friend said cause it was too in your face.

I was like wow. Soooo amazing!

The quote is
Its not bad when a child is afraid of the dark but it is truly a tragedy when a man is afraid of light.

i was like wow!
I then took myself out of myself to look at myself and see what was my reality.
I do believe I am striving for the light, but I am not doing it perfectly. I have to do it one step at a time.

Ohh that was good Question I heard you think it!
What is the light?

I put to you the light is your dream ! That's right repeat it for me.
All it takes for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing.
What is your nothing that you are doing? Maybe too scared to pursue one of your dreams? Maybe you are just doubtfull it will work and not putting the same focus on your dream as you are someone elses dream.

Wow, these are not the kind of words you want to hear when you are feeling as I am now, emotions swirling and you are wondering if you are good enough. Can I make my dream of producing a culture of creative, happy people a reality?

Dreams are interesting things, you have to match your talents with it, maybe grow a few talents with it. Up date it.

Wow in some cases you have to undream a dream to make the dream of having a new dream a reality.

Leonardo Da vinci sometimes maybe you need to dream even further extent your vision far enough to see your dream.

Other times you need to have a simple reminder of your dreams.

Robert Kyosiki says you need to be able to be bold and strong courageous not telling someone step on you. And other times you have to be able to beg, like a child. And either one is better than the other.

Oh! and a dream causes you to make certain decisions and you stop and wonder, did I make the right decision? Am I following the right dream? You wonder about doing it the normal way.
But if you were to listen to the world's foremost authority on thinking he is going to tell you. Don't do it normal.

Dr house would say, diagnose the problem and start to treat it. If it gets worse then you have a new sympton. You learnt something more. So you have to find a new solution.

Thnaks to my Blog and sharing with you, I have now reached a finite state and I realised I had
There is quite a bit, I have been
Thinking about myself and my life my dreams lately and I am realising now, where I need to adjust, thanks for listening all in this digital age. An ear with a powerful voice but yet the most silent ear.

Oh 'thinking' in itself can be a skill.
Stay tuned for more on that at sometime and somewhere.

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Sticking to it

I have had some interesting days of late and I am certainly realising the notion and idea that success is a state it can't be a fixed point. Success really is a state of being.

Uninvited Stress
There are a few things that have gone quite off course from my plan. It actually sent me back into a bit of a negative state. I missed some of my own deadlines. And I began feeling flustered and stressed. My Chest even got a bit tight one night and I was really wondering what was happening to me.

What was the problem?
And then I took a step back and analysed what I was doing as asked what I was doing wrong?

Then I realised I was cruising for a bit and my computer crashed and I allowed that small event to send me into a panic thinking that all my hopes and dreams going down the drain. Or that they would be delayed and it was too much to bear. Its like I was fighting desparately not to be 'a failure' again.
But then I just asked myself are you going to allow your confidence, focus and drive to be shot over a minor crisis?

Feeling Bad
Its ok to feel bad for a while but then I realised that I could not allow myself to feel bad for too long because it was my reaction to the present situation that was going to determine the future and if those days would be brighter.

My Reaction
I started to use a technique a friend reminded me of, which I used to use. I now know its called lateral thinking. But I took a step back from the situation and asked myself how can I solve this problem. Or better yet. How can I not have the problem again?

I Realised
Then I realised that though the immediate future looked not so rosy. I found that I was already working on skills and ideas that will cause me to be much greater in the long run. And I was allowing some of them to slip because of this mini crisis.

Stick to it
I realised all I had to do was to stick to the same focus I had before. Now that the computer was gone it was a blessing because as my favourite inventor would say.

It was a chance to begin again more intelligently.

My focus
So then my focus was on doing what I could do. Learning better ways of going about my plans I ideas. Use the opportunity to move forward to bigger and better thing when the crisis was over.

Yup I heard a story once of a cowboy who lost all his cattle, his house, wife and children. He cried like a baby but rode off into the sunset a new and much more intelligent man.
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For the first time in my life I can say that I am truly happy and comfortable with who I am.

I actually believe in my worth and value. And also for the first time I am happy with who I am going to be.

Corey Graham
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Learning and wisdom and who am I?

A man is what he thinks all day long. A quite interesting set of events have landed me right here at a point where I realise I truly enjoy taking on new challenges and conquering them.

Creation of me

Over the past few months I have CREATED many new talents and skills that I am now just begining to appreciate that the way I go about my day. Has allowed me to get into a position where I can lend several talents to the world.

Leonardo De Vinci

Being Fascinated by the life of Leonardo de Vinci. A man who was able to think 400 years ahead of his time and master several disciplines have allowed me some hope as I have somewhat a wanderer not sure what approach to take to life. Limiting my curiosity of certain things because it was not in my discipline.

But as you looking to the future if you can honestly appreciate its vastness. You can see how big it is.

Day by day

There really is no limit to what we can do. The secret seems to be in the day to day thoughts idea, habits and attitude I have.

The reality

For as was recently shown Mother Therasa had her own struggles with her faith and yet accomplished so much.

Look at life through several angles and see how great life is.

Who am I ?

I am an ever changing being ever evolving and growing learning seeingo wondering.

Do not define me to a box for the second its completed it will already be obselete.

Define me as Corey Graham.

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Expect Good Things

Expect Good Things to happen and they well!

Coming off of my birthday and taking stock of my life I have shifted my attitude to several things and I have been more positive and focused on the future and really aiming to make things happen. I'm am aiming to work smart and combine my 25 years of learning on this earth into motion.
And lately I have been able to visualise more of what I want, and who I want to be in a very graphic way.
I have also been aiming to having an overall more balanced life and opportunities to do the things I love have just been popping up all over the place.

Its actually like The Secret (www.secret.TV is at work. I believe my lack of worrying and fearing that things won't work out has caused several small miricles to be occuring in my life. And all I can say is that I am finally allowing myself to expect good things to happen.
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Decision Making-Staying happy

Last Friday I was getting my protrait done, at an after work lime and being into photography and passionate about protraiture. Being in that chair I started to smile and I decided I wanted to be captured as a happy man, and you know it took 30 mins for him to capture me.
It was certainly amasing after the time to see a protrait come alive from a blank sheet of paper.

His impression

It came alive as this bajan artiste Victor passing impression of me was captured on a sheet. It was exciting to stop and take a look at someone else's impression of me. He was trying to keep me smiling too, and I too wanted to keep happy and smiling. The steel pan in the background helped as they played the sweet Soca tunes. I am not sure of the name but my friend Ziggy was playing - David Walcott.

The Magic

The real magic though for me happened when I made the effort to keep my mind clear and forget mmy stresses and focus on the reasons to smile it was so easy, I was in a bit of a trance imagining I was who I want to be. I could smile cause I had what I wanted to have. No one was making me happy I was happy to be me, Corey Graham. And it was an amasing thing.

I was happy, for I was me because I could suddenly see I was me, enjoying a moment. Hopeful for the future. And you know why? I just decided to be happy!

Make a big effort to be a good decision maker and I made a decision to get a good protrait and found happiness is always really just a decision away.

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Why do I write this Blog ?

I just heard for the first time in a very concise and practical way,

If fear is too strong the genius is suppressed. Robert kiyoseki -author rich dad poor dad.

Why this Blog matters and why its so important in my life?
Over the last few weeks I have honestly detected a new habit of myself having more self confidence as I had previously. And in dropping by a friend of mine he introduced to me a concept of self confidence and sureness.
Where a kung fu master opting not to challenge not to take up a challenge of 2 young 'upstarts' and choosing the option to crawl through their legs and not fight them. And after becoming the laughing stock of the society.

This had me thinking of this whole question of self doubt and self confidence.

And I have realised that by allowing fear the get the better of you, then self doubt and self confidence are weak and then so is your genius and talents.

I take a step back and I can telll you. I am not perfect. 25 years old today, and if there is one thing that I have learnt that has made the most significant difference positive didfrence in my life it is this thought.

If fear is too strong the genius is suppressed. Robert kiyoseki - rich dad poor dad.

And now I ask myself what do I fear ?
The answer used to be YOU.
But today you are reading my Blog. So I no longer fear YOU and
the piercing eyes in my back.

Thank YOU for stopping to wish me my birthday.

Check out this video which captures the idea.

Your Truly
Corey Graham
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Happy birthday to me

It's my 25th birthday and its the first time I am making a big deal about my birthday in 25 years. having a birthday that falls in the first week of school a new school usually meant that the freshness of new beginnings always seemed to take away a little steam.
And after school was over I made sure I kept the celebratioon small. And it was in that time that I had a revalation.

The Revalation

I spent a lot of my birthdays waiting for other people to take the initiative for making me feel great on my birthday. You know but I realised that even if they did I shouldn't be allowing my happiness on my moment of time to be totally dependant on those around me. And their perceptions of me. I had to be responsible for my happiness, and in turn those around you will have a better idea, of how they can do their small part to help the day become memorable.

What is the key thing that made in memorable?

Well for me it was a day to focus on myself, what I want?, what do I have? where am I going? Where have I been? What do I need? Who do I want to become?

I guess there is a lot about ourselves we tend to ignore and not notice. Like when we are in pain, or things are rough. We hate to sit and truly make an effort to make things better for ourselves.

What I did on my last few birthdays?

For the past few birthdays I sat down and focused on me. I did thing just because I wanted to do them, lol. I 'dressed up' in a shirt I liked to go to work.
Took some time to work on
Hugged my mother
A few times I even called people that helped me thru rough patches and just said thanks.
And sometimes just did things I wanted to do but I feared. I didn't let dear rob me of having a good day.
I rejuvenated myself and truly enjoyed the day and lived some of my dreams in a small way.
Rid myself of some insecurities and fears.

I made myself important to me, and then others reinforced my important in their lifes. And I let persons know that they were important in my life.

All in all I found my birthdays to be s much more satisfying and joyful experience. And I have become a better person since I started do this....

The conclusion of a revalation
There was nothing fake, it was all genuine, authenic, enjoyable and most of all inspirational and enjoyable.
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Time and Season

Ecclesiates 3

1) To every thing there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven : .....

14).... I know that there is no good in them but for a man to rejoice and do good in his life.

I do no seek to tell you about your religion. But the above quote came from a bible and it certainly caused me to take a time to reflect and over the past months more than ever there are times for everything.

One of the more crippling underlying concepts in my life has been my refusal to appreciate the seasons and times in my life. My lack of performance in some basketball games for example was because I truly did not appreciate that it was GAME TIME, is NOT the time for going thru the paces and feeling out the plays. It was a time to be on point. To get the job done.

For many of us the season for preparation passes us by. Time to 'lie low' save some money and learn some new skills. And get ready to be out there when the harvest season rolls around.

And still there is time, short range, days and weeks. We know we set aside a time for exercising, for reading, for planning.

Maybe its weekly, or daily tasks you have listed to be done.

And its easy to fool ourselves that something is important. And we can shift our daily tasks, but you know what happens. We never get back to the new years resolution to exercise everyday at 5 PM.

Ask yourself right now what time is it? What is the season?

Ecclesiates 3

1) To every thing there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven : .....

So I will look at my list of things I want to do, and see which of them whose time has come.

Another thing we usually fail to appreciate is that if there is a time for everything, there is a time to change gears. Get out of the harvest season and back into spring season.

Learn to deal with the passage of time, on your Journey.

This is D'Journey.

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Warfare ... is War Fair?

I would never forget one of my more confusing moments as a child. It was when my father explained the concept of right and wrong in the terms of war and international relations.

He said that, who ever wins a war is deemed to be right.

As a young boy, well young lad I looked at this comment in a way that was more understandable to I imaginged 2 children fighting after school. Of course we all had those days where we would race to find out what happened and who was right. And then wait to bare witness to the teacher and await the punishment to be meated out. And in that forum it was not about who won. It was about who was "wrong".

So imagine myself as a little boy not understanding for the life of me why whoever won a war was right. Even if they invaded another weaker country they would have been right.

Wow, just the other day I remembered this and just thinking how much as an adult today you just have to be a winner. Self pity and seeking pity from others gets you nowhere. Its for you to step outside, and go for what you want. State what you want to. We don't always get what we want but when people have an idea what your dreams are they will help. They might make that right connection for you.

I just wanted to share that with you. Make love and not war.

One Love!

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Creativity + Change

Its pretty amasing how much you can rely on something!

Its been a while since I last wrote on this Blog and its pretty amasing to me. I have changed blackberries and I I find it a little bit harder to type of this one and so I have allowed it to impact my blogging' not that I forgot to Blog, but I allowed my mind to make it seem so much harder than it really is.

And right now it really is not that bad. We have to evolve with time. Speaking about that I have decided to make use of the 2 domains I have ...


I am feeling very creative lately and like I need to spend at least some time out of my busy week to just be creative and put more energy towards my passions.

Drenalin for me is just an energy that allows myself and others to believe in their creativity and make it happen.

I have always envisioned many things with Drenalin and I haven't been able to hold firm to the core belief that started Drenalin.

Just a few weeks from my 25th birthday I think it fitting to spend a few moments daily just developing my gift to the world.
The response to this Blog has always been phenomenonal. And it has encouraged me that many of my thoughts and ideas with Drenalin will work as unconventional as they are.

Here is an acromyn that captures for me in its own way DRENALIN.

D'Radical Energetic Nature Activates Limitless Imaginative Nerves

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Machel HD in Barbados

Almost 3 days have passed and I am now writing about Machel HD's performance in Barbados.
Hmmm where do I start? Let me try the beginning. After a good wait Mr Montano. At 3 am he came out with his 2007 hit Higher than High.
I have to be honest the crowd went crasy .... I talking about speakers at full blast and you can hear the crowd singing and everyone's hand in the air.
Yeah that's a tune that I know have picked up many people when they were having a challenging day. But the crowd response was electrifying.
I after that I was trying to guess his set. Guess which songs were next and I clearly didn't have a clue.
Including his short display of African dancing - just him having fun. Asking the crowd who were Africans and then dropping some classic Bob Marley, Buju and Beres.
By that time he brought back on the soca. Corey and Crew were running up and down. Lolol. Machel was clearly having fun and he said
I feel so good
I feel so good
I feel so ________ good.
(NB. Crowd filled in the blank space)

We watched as a lady jump on stage and Machel danced thing here Latin style.

We saw Zan And benjai coming out and doing their thing mashing up.

Of course the sexy Patrice was there too, performing her tunes.
Machel made note that their keyboardist is a Bajan and he is releasing a CD from Crop Over.
He said that HD family had to represent on Dwayne's album and also they had to be a part of the Crop Over in someway since they will have to be in Caribana and will miss kadooment day.
And with that Patrice and Machel sang their new release for Crop Over 2007.

Of course the grand finale was Jumbie the song that won Trinidad's Road March by the largest margin ever.
The crowd sang the 1st verse and chorus without help from Machel or the other performers.

And brought the curtain down on the show at almost 5 am.

Listening to the conversations as people left the fete. I could tell everyone was pleased with the performance. Machel in high definition (HD) with no huge special effects or lighting effects. Just his talent for entertaining. And they were pleased.
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Stick to it

We have all heard this before. But these days I am really realising that for a lot of things we want in your lifes it just requires stickin to it.
We all know those times when we are tired, upset and fustrated. Everything and anything can seem to piss you off. You go through the day and the break in your routine has you wondering when you will have time to find yourself back. No no not finding you ultimate purpose in life. You just don't feel yourself mainly because of son changes in your schedule or maybe a habit. You have. You just sum to get things back the way they were. But I am here trying to offer myself a new perspective. Yes I have been feeling a bit like this lately.
And I am gonna let you know how I am going to approach it before I do.
I am gonna make a decision to accept the changes that are happening in my life, and decide to act on those changes in a way that will cause me to get closer to where I want to go.
Why? Why not just slip back into the old routine. With no surprises. Well cause I don't want to fool myself.
You never go back to a punt in your life. I learned that in a brighter sun. Yes yes a Caribbean book set in Trinidad. I was just 16 when I hear this and it always pops up every now and again to remind me not to fool myself.

The other thing is that to have somethine he has never had a man must do something he has never done.

As so I want to embrace change and the future, so that I can have new experiences and do things I never did.

Corey Graham
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The Spotlight and the Dimlight

All the world's a stage and the men and women merely player... Wrote the most celebrated pen of them all. That was the pen of William Shaksphere.

I can remember this excerpt being significant when I wrote one of my first deep writings of significance. Captured in that poem were words bounded on a page but with a meanin not confined to a single time or space.
I wrote in short that its the time between the curtians fall and rise that truly will make you great. It is the time spent preparing your mind and body for your role in the play of life. For the dimlight is the time for a soldier to remove his armour to have it repaired. Even have it made better for what he has learnt in the last battle.
Dimlight is a time to seek a greater understanding and command over your role. To master your role.
For it is a time for the rally car drivers to dismantle their engines and seek to repair them.
In the dimlight its a time to gather fragments of ideas scattered along the shore. Those ideas that come forth from fustrations and disappointments of the last performance.
What is dimlight?
Was there ever a time when you had to lie low, when you had to "sacrifice" the luxuries? What a beautiful light the dimlight as you can cast a new perspective and create new realities.

In a moment the lights come on planned or unplanned the flick of a switch is your que a call to action to execute the plan or improvise.
Yes, to improvise for should it rain on your parade the best laid plan can come to nothing. Who you are and who you have become will be glaringly apparent. How you handle pressure of a surprise reaction from your audience. Its only your understanding that will settle your feet.
Wisdom to stick to the plan is also needed. For there is a moments in which all you will need to do is nail the plan.
For it was the man who is accredited as being the vital difference in Britian's triumpht in the second world war who said,
There comes a moment in everyone's life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he seizes it, will fulfill his mission-a mission for which he is uniquely suited. In that moment will be his finest hour. Winston Churchill.

I have to close this email by saying that this time in my life they are several things where the spotlight is on me, and I have to remember to act appropriately. I can't be acting like I am in the dimlight when the spotlight is on.
Also to keep myself it top shape so that I can perform well.

Just remember no more mic checks when the spotlight is on, sing and perform your way to the place you desire. Corey Graham
Corey Graham
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Problems and Solutions

Oh my my my,

I am coming to the simple realisation that I allow myself to think more of the problem, than a solution. I sit and think why something can't be done because it requires me to go out my comfort zone. And simply put I am scared of doing it.
Also when we are upset about a situation or circumstance that we are in out of bthe blue we seem to experience technical difficulties with every piece of equiptment we use, and there is always some wonderful excuse why a work around can't work.
We simple focus on the problem and get all emotional and upset. Then we place barriers between us and successs.
Tell me what barriers did u place on ur way in the last hmm 30 mins-What problem and barriers have you been thinking about ?

Is that a problem
Corey Graham
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Trust Good things will come

Wow, that's so easy to say, wow.

We all know our biggest fears come from expecting something bad, making the wrong turn and not finding your destination.

Hope u understanding what I mean!

Wow I have been watching and feeling good things coming my way over the past few days, and I find myself instead of feeling grateful, I seem to worry more about the next day.
Before I just expect goodness or that I will make good with the way things turn out, I find myself in this state of fear.
Yeah, this is a busy time in my life now and certainly the question of priorities are hitting me every day.
What do I do next, to get to where I want?
Wake up one day and tonnes more stuff that needs to be done pops up.

I know I need to flick the switch one, which is just going to bring a calm around me and bring all those tools I need to get the job done well to me. Already the things I need just seem to be falling in place. However I am not proactive enough as yet. I am getting there more but I really need to push myself up to the next level once again.

I have to power to be who I want to be, and I also have to power to stop myself for becoming who I want to become. Corey Graham
Corey Graham
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Not Just "One" Thing

I can quite put my hand one it, I don't know, its just a general feelin..
The last few weeks I have really had to take it to the next level, it was a case of I was faced with challenges and changes in my life is I have had to adjust to.
A host of new experiences came to me and made me realise for all the growing I have done, I allowed myself to kind of "settle" with who I was. I accepted I was not a best planner in the world. Lots of vision but not the best planner. My new found self confidence came under attack too. It was life saying so you are confident, well let's see how u deal with this... And blam, like in a movie where the CIA dung up some dark reality that you never really dealt with and put it on the table.
And the asked "Corey what are you going to do?"
So deep and probing this question was, that I was deeply humbled and knocked down for a bit.
I don't know how it happened,
But I remembered my good friend's dad, telling me as if it where yesterday,
"Corey, the true measure of a man is how many time he gets up."
I remembered that, and
I not sure what changed but its as if my general attitude and approach to life now was enough for me to find the strength to grow and to be better, even better than I have ever been. It the decision to be better that started it, but after that it was not just one thing thet got better, everything seemed to improve. Things started to "fall in place". The world became a more beautiful place and I felt good.
Its as if what I need comes to me. And I have conquered another step in the journey. A truly personal victory of my old fears and patterns.

I am not in a fixed state, for I am a man, a living man. I am experiencing new things, of all natures. The only fixed reality I now assume is change, for I am a man. I can choose how I change. I am not who I am, for my the time you have finished reading this I have already changed.
Corey Graham
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All learning comes at a cost, are you willing to pay it?

Ah yes,

I think this sets up a good way for us to go about our days. Just awareness that there is some price to pay for knowledge or wisdom or mastering a skill.
Well we all know about going to school and paying for tuition, hmm paying for a book. How about learning to be more creative ?
How about learning to believe in yourself and your capabilities?
What is the price there?
Is it over coming the fear of looking stupid to bring a new idea you have forward?
What about forgiving and forgetting? What if the price was to just let go of all the hate u feeling inside?
It might be even simpler - just being nice to those who cause you pain?

Think about what the price and and be willing to pay it.
Corey Graham
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I am sorry

This blog should be one in which my humility should show,

I am sorry to those of you who I transferred my fears and worries in life to. To those of you whose enthusiam might have been shot because of this,

Because I still to this day have not been able to truly rid myself of fears I allowed to develop due to my experiences.

It is for this I am sorry. My judging your situation based on my own fears and shortcomings, unable to see your talents and your greatness due to my own bubble of lack.
Ashamed I am at myself for not being able to spur on the hopes and dreams in ur life.

No sadder proof can a man give of his own littleness than disbelief in great men.

After now ridding myself of some fears and being able to realise what an injustice I might have done to those of you around me, it spurs me on to be a servant to you, and secure your greatness, by taking care of my fears, so that they are not transferred to you.
I will aide you along.

Please accept my apology for I am firm in my resolve that brighter days are coming.
Corey Graham
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Outta body .... back to yaself

So yeah,

There has been a change in my life, a shift as it were,

Ah change in perception and focus,

Oh oh, I got it now

I am starting to paying more attention to the quality of life.

A shift from being the work-a-holic Corey Graham, in the fun loving, inspiring, caring person I can be!

Wow, that is the first time I have said that about myself.

Yeah, there are something I have decided not to speak about regarding this blog. As I want to not pollute some areas of my life with the forces which will seek to attack those things I have decided not to speak about.

Getting on with it

I have been realising more and more how much effort it take to take responsibilty and grow to the next level.

There is level of understanding we need to reach in order master this process. I am still myself many year away from mastery of growth out of comfort zone, and to just release oneself knowing that you can always find back yourself.

Yes, I'm a soca lover and I love to use the saying that is used in the ever popular Jumbie sang by Machel Montano and written by Kernal Roberts, which is -

"Outta Body , back to yaself"

In standard english, out of body, back to yourself."

So I like to make the analogy when I am feeling like I am out my comfort zone and being "Outta Body" and when I have learned my lesson and moving on again, I'm "back to Maself"

I'm sure all of us can imagine those outta body experiences, here is a simple one.

You got to speak in front of a crowd of people, u standing infront of them, definately feeling "Outta Body"and when u have said ur piece and sit back down, u are most certainly "back to yaself"

Its been for me a powerful analogy which has been able to give me, the grow more, and understand life in new dimensions. To view it from several perspectives and yes, yes Machel fans, to view it in an HD way, far from fussy.

So anytime you

Outta Body ........

Back to yaself.....

Don't drift from who you are....

(Inspired by Stefan, Jenna, Richard, Kyle)

Corey Graham

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Potential : Can I help you? Just looking .....

Have u ever gone shopping and didn't take your wallet with you? Or your budget just couldn't afford that new shirt/top today?

The sales clerk comes up to you with a pleasant smile as asks "can I help you?"
And you nonchalantly say, "Oh no just looking"

We have all gone through that, sometimes we do it for such a long time that its becomes a habit.
Sometimes in life when it comes to our dreams and plans we find ourselves telling people, I'm waiting till the right time to launch our big product.
We are waiting till the right time to capitalise on the market.
For the price to drop on the item of our desire,
We are waiting till the next update.
We are waiting till it feels right.

All of these can be understandable almost everything we do has a process.
We have take some steps to go where we want to go.
There is a time when you are in a phase where you are seeing the potential, when we are all in the phase, where everyone agrees and says "you have great potential"
And sometimes this side tracks us, we get into a habit of gathering more potential. And never being able to score.
We have all seen the sports player that worked on every area of his game and just can't score the goal or take it to the next level.
Its as if they are satisfied to just be a threat, to have potential score after potential score.

Are u stuck in the habit of potential,
Of just taking to step towards potentially getting to the goal not actually getting the goal?

Well you do know why it becomes so hard for us? Right?
Well, simple put "change"
Success causes the very behaviour that caused it to become extinct.
With success its a new levels of existance come, and changes come.

The question is are you ready to accept the change that comes with the success of reaching goals that you set?

Now ask yourself are u really ready?
What things are you holding on to?

I am ready, I had to really dig deep today to find out if I was ready for a dream which became to materialise in front of me in a significant way.

I am ready, are you ready?

Well, I'm already off to the next stop on D'Journey.
Corey Graham
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In Relation To Loving

Well there is one area of life that I have not touched yet that has not featured in my blog.
Over the past months its been taking up a lot of my thinking time. And I have had different experiences but I have always been unsure if I should put them out there online, for many reasons. Mainly because it might be taken out of context and used in a way that might harm those close to me.
Having had one experience where that I happened I have made sure that within reason I prevent the possibility of anything like that happening again.

I have made a resolve though to speak about my thoughts and ideas in this area because it would help you out there taking the time to read this blog, so understanding. I will no say that anything I discuss here is a truth, however I will state that idea I present at very much based on some very deep thinking of myself and others. And also much pain on my part so that I am able to experience certain things.
This will be an on going topic now in my blog, so let's get to it.
D'Journey continues

Well first of all let me say that society and the media gives a lot of shape to the ideas we have about relationships.
In many cases the only real long-term relationship that we know about is that of your parents or guardians. Absent or present we notice those things that are happening. A marriage or a divorce is as much of an event as a "no show". So our interaction with them changes/influences or thinking.

Now, since thise is only limited in scope because it the relationships between just a few persons, the next place we get a lot of influence from is the media, why?

Well love songs, news, movies, almost everything wants to tell us a love story, our interaction with it changes us.

As we grow older our friends and those who lean on us, in the rough patchs also influences the way we think.

The best part is that we can choose how to think.

Well what is my 2 big discoveries so far in life?
Well here u go....
1. There is always someone that you are emotional attached to.
Ok let me put it in perspective. If I had to invite you to dinner tommorrow, and tell you bring a date. There is someone there somewhere whether u want to admit it or not, that you would like to take out. The obvious on is the wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband ... Etc etc. But.....
Sometimes it might be really impossible, like a celebrity or more realisitically someone u really like and they really like you, but circumstances prevent you from being together, or even there is something preventing you or that person from making a committment to each other.
Think about it, in movies the villian always finds that person that their target is attached to.
I spent a lot of time in entertainment, and I can tell you that as promiscious as the celebs and 'real life" players are, there is one person who takes the cake.
I will also tell you, I have not met a single guy who is a "player" who did not have a really bad experience, the first gf etc. It's pretty amasing but that's it. I am sure the psychogists can find other instances, but I can say that of the ones I have ever known well enough to talk to them or overhear them talking about their philosophy, its always been bad relationship.
Hmmm women now, for them love at home was the defining different between promicious or not. And again, it is many, many experiences.

Please, please no one take this personally but its no one experience realise that this is all my life, I mean alll!

Well this took me to my next philosophy.

Love is one thing, relationships is totally different.
Love and relationships need to be defined
As separate things. Ideally you want to have love in a relationship , well if you want to be happy...
But they are a lot of other things that make a relationship.
I remember reading an article on the top 10 things that u should not married. This article was written by a rabbi, he was speaking to the qualites that he had found to cause divorce in his years and years of experience. And the hundreds of couples he has seen.
So time afterwards when I began accept the words of this man, it gave birth to the need for this separation. There is love, and then there is relationships.
It helps understanding when there is love but there can be no relationship. And also understanding someone else's actions when in relationships. I'll expand of this in another post at a later date, but I am sure that this concept for many of you will put many things in perspective.

But there is one quality that really stood out that I would want to mention. The Rabbi said Don't marry potential, don't marry someone for the good u can see them having one day. Marry them for what they are doing today. Because if you don't, as worth as your intentions are, to take care of them, protect them from themselves, whatever the case maybe, you are really marrying the person they can be and not the person they actually are.
I would say or my personal addition to that for when the time comes, is to marry someone that can go on D'Journey
With you.

There is another one that came from a recent realisation, thanks to Napolean Hill
Fear of lost love - its that simple, it makes a lot of us desperate, in fact it made me desperate in my past.
Some symptons of it are things like
Jealousy, insomnia, nervousness, lack of perisistence, weakness of will, lack of self-control and bad temper
This one, I am still learning maybe you can get it before me!!!!!

Well, hope that its been a little more than just reading for you! Have fun with life!

Corey Graham

Sent via BlackBerry,


MAT-ters to be deal with

For a long time I realised because of the way I approached life and in part to how I was raised, a lot of time I would find myself envisioning paths to my dreams which were somewhat under the table. No I am not saying illegal, but I have been constantly afraid to state clearly who I was and be proud to walk through the front door and get on with my dreams.
I'd been afraid to make use of some of my better talents out of fear that they were not good in the eyes of society.

A lot of time I spent speaking softly about matters concerning me, because I wanted to did not want to be judge.
I wanted to be "cool" and not just with peers, but family, friends, aquaitances and everyone.

You know?
Do really?

When you sell yourself something an inferior reality cause you don't want to get caught living the life that society might not look favourably on?

You know what I mean?
U understand me?

I mean hiding your true loves out of fear of being judged but society.

I need you to understand me! Please, u get it now?
You feeling how much I want u to understand? Before I go on?
U feel the passion?
Please understand?

Oh but wait?

Look at that!

Can you imagine that?

Whose reality am I living in?
Its it mine? Or hmmm am I pushing for space in your reality?

Ah such irony?

Whose reality do you live in?
Whose limitations do you decide to accept?
Yours? Or someone elses?

Ah, there you go!

I am now begining to discover and correct a lot of this stuff that would often make my path harder to see, where should I go?
And taking sometime to understand me!
Ah as a friend of mine would say, to become self aware. Its the only way to get to the next level! You have to be aware of you. You have to be aware of what will take you to the next level!
And more than ever I am beginning to realise how we can be living by a principle falsy.
What I mean is we believe that we are living a principle, to the letter. But when we check, we are just living the priniciple after we have swept all the dust unde rthe market.
And we don't feel uncomfortable, because the dust has been under the mat so long that, we don't remember that there is something between us and the solid ground. We take a mat as the solid ground.

So I am realising several mats I have placed on the ground to protect myself and removing them.
Corey Graham
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A new portal for Self Expression

I am sure that many of you have been wondering why there haven't been many pictures in this blog, as many of you have a first hand experience with my passion and focus on photography.
Well here you go now with a few of my shots. And not just that here is the soft launch of
There are alot of things still be done and it will be a process of evolution. This site is much like a gallery for me to showcase and develop the talents that i have, its going to be my hobbie that i share with the world. Keeping it relatively simple.
I hope that you can enjoy some of these shots as much as i do. After all i need to share my talents with the world.
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What inspires me to write this blog

This is a question which has been posed to me.
What inspired you to write this blog?

Well hmm, I will have to say that I am inspired mainly to share my ideas and opinions for the purpose of making them better ideas and opinions.
I believe one of my better traits all through my life was my willingness to see others improve.
I went through the phase of feeling very bad about myself, because someone was "brighter than me" someone was "faster than me", because someone came up with the big idea and I didn't. Because 1 person had to be on top and in my mind and those rooting for me, I had to be that person.
Sooo interesting this is many of us spend or teenage years, in a system that teaches one person is better than the next.
Yip, this makes it hard for us to want to share ideas because someone else will steal it. Because we might be wrong. It makes it hard to have several persons comment on an idea or project you have been doing.
But these days I see things a little clearer and I'm glad for my ideas to be out there for people to be thinking about them and come back to me and give me a new perspective. That makes me feel good. This allows each person to use their particular gift or asset to make things better.
And it brings with it, new ideas and new realities.
This blog is a way from me to bring my ideas and my creativity out there for persons to interact my ideas and me.
So my inspiration is to get my ideas out there.
The power of an idea.
Corey Graham
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Evolution to the next level

This blog is having such a significant impact on my life, its been able to get me prepared and in a zone to receive happiness in life, I have been able to listen and watch people as they grow to the next level.
I have been able to increase my self esteem and self confidence.
I have been having much more interesting and powerful conversations with those around me.
These things have been gathering up to take me and this blog to the next level.
I am now at a point where my posts are going to change their dynamic.
My interaction with this blog is going to change in a very profound way.
When I started to post I began to become free, blogging became and outlet for many of my philosophies, it was my domain to become free.
It was a way to channel my energy and ideas into a resource that would grow over time.
However now, my feeling and approach to this blog, is changing, where I think constantly of the things that I want express in this arena and the kind of impact that I can have.
Its been a dream of mine to be a leader, nooo nooo, not a leader who just wants to control things or be the big boy. I want to be a REAL leader, who can take people on the kind of journey that will make them into powerful and strong individuals in their own right.
Oh the power of a dream!

Let me leave you with the words of Margrit Harris I read yesterday which quite well captured my last major realisation about human interactions -
Dreaming together and working towards making those dreams reality is a tremendous safeguard against relationship discord. Why? Because it keeps you focused and your energy directed towards mutual interests instead of finding yourselves in separate camps warring against each other.

Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Stand for Something

A few years ago I was sitting at a large rally of the Salvation Army church and I heard a message preached. It was a simple message that seemed that day to have more relavance at that time than another time. It was the first time I truly listened to what was being said in the message.
It was to stand for something, if not you stand for nothing and u will be pushed around.
Oh how powerful is this message and I have realised it been taking its influenvce over the last few weeks.
My life today I very different from what existed about 2 months ago, I find myself at some points on the verge of feeling flustered, by the unknown behind the next door.
But I have to remind myself that once I stand for something and stand strong its ok,
It doesn't matter what comes thru that door, its going to be ok, because I stand for something.
I know you will ask what is this something I stand for?
Well I stand for a way of life. A way I want to be remembered when I leave, the kind of man I want to become.
Yeah that's all written down somewhere, but its at times like these when life is looking fuzzy that I refer to these writings. I will one day refer to these writings daily, but for now, I use these writings on the kind of man I want to become, propel me forward. Every hiker checks his compass before continuing.
There was a time when I was really into hiking, I mean REALLY into hiking. This was with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and you know what?
The compass is what I always used to want to have. This I because my group was lost for 2 hours on saturday morn, in the "wilds" of barbados and it was not a nice feeling.
From that day I became a much better map reader and compass "operator" lol.
But really when the going got rough all we were left with was the compass, with the bearing set from the last checkpoint.
When trails disappeared this arrow in a bubble was or all in all.
When we go fuzzy directions from locals it was or direction.
So we have to keep our bearing set on our dreams and goals. Stand for them when people give us fuzzy directions, when the path disappears. Stand for something! Stand Strong let's reach for a greater existance.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Laws and Truths

Life is really an interesting thing.
It makes you wonder. It makes you decide how to transform and transpose the energy that is reaching you constantly.
Never think it will get easier and you will have it all figured out. Never hit the cruise control button. When I say never I mean never.
Always be ready, always remain ready for those challenges which will come to you.
I would always remember as a rather 'tender" age I set my mind to find out what was the big thing in life,

What is life in its most basic form when u strip way everythingm
And I came up with the following
- The future is always coming and its a constant
- Change will come, it willn change will come.

Yeah that was pretty simple wasn't it! That all there really is, the future is always comingn and change wiill come.
And I have not yet attained distinguished greatness because I lost sight of these truths. But I must say that putting them out ahead in life gives u focus that is crystal clear.
If I could buy a lens, that would be able to capture this reality I would immediately become a prophet.
I'd like to tell you remind you that there are a lot of other things involved but....that is the starting point.

I will always remember a thought I read in a John C Maxwell newsletter which said that, if can laugh at urself and have fun in ur job u will be come irresplaceable. And if u always keep things ready for the next person to take over, you will be truly irreplaceable.
But today I realise that more than ever, I can look at my past 24 hours and say that I can laugh at myself. Its amasing. I have been able to move beyond my thinking and predujices of yesterday. There was no rocket since, just beers with a good friend to put my mind in a new zone and to see new thing. This friend of mine is really creating something and finding himself in life, the ultimate creation is one its way. And he is becoming who he needs to become. I am glad for his mind truthfulness with me.
I will remember some years ago he although my good friend and someone who I felt was great, was written off of a committee, mainly because he didn't seem to know what was his big goal in life. Standard dropping, but now he is turning into the great man I expect him to become.
I can feel it, u will know his name tommorrow, in the future.

Of late my usually reasonably clear path has been a bit clouded by my constant encouraging and uplifting of others. Its something I need to master, I need to undertand others and still have myy stuff together. Some of us get so busy with the dreams of others that we fail to remember the original dream.....our personal and most unique dream. So many things can help us lose sight of our goals.
So from what I have experienced and seen, so far the need to be loved, and accepted by society allows us to let in the wrong people into our team, or family and our space that do not bring any value to the table.

Search for the right people in ur live, keep those who will help u get what u want..

The furue is constant
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,


Its interesting sometimes the way things occur in life. This blog was partly a spur of the moment decision to help me with my writing skills and my openness to the world.
Little did I know that it will change my life around in such a short space of time. My self image has growth. My thoughts have seemed to be more expressible. I have been able to help people and listen much better than I ever could in my life. Mainly because it always seemed like I had sooo much on my plate myself to deal with.
Its really allowed me to communicate this those around me.
I love myself because I am now able to help others. I am also growing and learning.
I have begun to realise more what things are important to me, my greatest assets were. My joy for creating and developing systems is coming forth more than ever. Also I am starting to really enjoy my creativity imagination, and understand how it must be epressed if it is ever to grow and go to the next level. The most creativy idea is worthless, if you can communicate it. This is a hard truth I had to accept I know because I had to face this reality when I started Drenalin.Productions. You can't lead a team of individuals, if you are unable to communicate your ideas in a way for them to understand. If people don't understand ya how can you inspire or motive ?

Also taking time out the day to build relationships with persons around you helps you build up yourself too and your character.
"As iron sharpheth iron so a man sharpens himself in the countenance of a friend."

I have seen that by spending time to develop strong and healthy relationships, we can make the right changes occur around us conscious and unconsciously.
Being in another's space takes a lot of deep thought and understanding that would allow you to truly benefit from the interaction.

Who are you and where are you going ? Is the question that will simplify things in your life.

Just remember don't lie to yourself about how you are feeling! Let ur emotions take their true form. Don't make them into something else, someone wants.

Use the energy from the emotions wisely, and you will see the difference that this can make in life.

Its sooo powerful.

Daily, I allow myself time to just focus on doing the thing that I want to do.
I allow myself to build up the skills I want.
More and more I am embarassing fears by taking it to the next level, growing in stature. And you know I am expecting more and more success. I expect that if I don't get it tommorrow, that I will get it the day after that!
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Elevated Energy State

I've go to start of and say that over the last couple of weeks, since I wrote my "energy" blog I have really began to really internalise the concept.
The concept that we merely transfer the energy which reaches us into another form.
And how powerful it is!
(This blog is going to one of the abstract ones. It helps if you see how the concept relates to you)

My last few weeks have started to reveal to me how much I have grown as a person. And they have in ways that I cannot ignore, the way people interact with you and make comments.
All I have been doing in my life more than ever is working to shed fear and limitions imposed on me via my social conditioning and upbringing. I have started to effect a change in the thoughts I keep in my mind.
Its cause persons that I really respected and deep down inside I viewd them as being greater than I was.
I know how your mind is thinking. So now you think your bigger than them Corey? That's a resounding "NO"
We you can start to think about the transfer of energy in other people, u will realise that we all have our talents. You begin to realise some people can draw of energy from places you don't know about It starts to become more apparent how you can synergise with other people.
You also begin to realise how everyone can become great.
I must state here that no matter what you can see in another, you cannot give them motivation to become great. You might be able to help enhance this motivation, provide a comfort zone for them to gather enough energy to them to go to the next level.
Also you have to understand that motivation is nothing more that someone having a motive for doing something. Motive-ation!
Finding that motive is really a skill that is aquired, that's why good coaches are so loved.
In many cases they help people to go to an elevated energy state.

What's most interesting is that in the science world there are some energy transfers that are not yet understood.

All we know is that x is transferred into y energy and we can provide electricity for entire countries based only on this truth.
We simply enhance the motive for energy to be transferred into another kind of energy that we can use. In using the energy we change it into another kind of energy.

So what becomes interesting we have people take the energy of disappointment and turn it into an energy of hope then other people can turn hope into an energy of satisfaction, and others can turn back to disappoinment.

Who is turning you disappointments into triumpts?
Who is turning your disappointments into fears
Who is turning your pain into revenge?
Who is turning your pain into love?
Who is turning into fears into hope?

Well ultimately its you, who do you decide to release these energies to?
Who do you get these energies from?

Energised by your next Energy State elevation.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

Check out my Slide Show!

My People

Yeah, its been an interesting couple of days for sure. A lot has happened, the high points were for some of my people,

A friend of mine has been included in the cast of a morning radio show,

There has been blog launched by another friend, there is going to be much to look forward to from this blog. You will all know about it once it gets into the flow.

Also there has been an interesting piece written by an aspiring song writer.( I'll at it on to the end of this article,

Yip, I promised more details on that book that was published by my friend and here they are.
CSEC Information Technology 2nd Edition
By Kelvin Skeete and Kyle Skeete.

hmmmmm oh! There was another friend whose manager say there has been much improvement in her.

Oh and another friend is was offerred a job she been seeking, its been a rough couple of months for her!

All around there is much growth going on, and creation. I very much glad that I am able to be around to see these things happen and in some cases I am told to inspire them.

Written by an aspiring songwriter
(I think its a great value to us guys)


Pain, seems like us women are always in pain.

Our friends ask, "what's wrong with you today?"

We respond " my head hurts" or my "back hurts" or "my stomach hurts"

Lets talk about some of this so called "PAIN"

Pain; when we can barely meet the bills buy food and the kids need new clothes

Pain; during child birth

Pain; when our friends betray us and we realize that the list of people to call and just "old talk" is getting shorter and shorter

Pain when the man that we thought we would marry gets married to someone else who he thinks is more "progressive"

Pain when our family has issues and you're expected to solve them

Pain every 28 days for 5 - 7 days

Pain during menopause, things start to get a bit "dry"

Pain when all the kids grow up leave home and face it "were lonely"

Pain when you really need to get "some" and realize there's nobody you really wanna to give "some" to.

Pain when that promotion is given to some bitch in a shorter skirt than yours who shakes her ass all over the office.

Pain when the kids fathers makes up some fake ass excuse why he can't take them to Chefette this weekend.

Pain when all your dreams get shelfed because of; well because of life.

Pain from worry and stress of all the above.

And then men wonder why women are so bithcy and defensive all the time, so self righteous, controlling and yes that famous phrase "she real miserable".

Its the PAIN. So what do we do. Try to control every aspect of our life that we possibly can. Try to do as much for ourselves as we possibly can. Avoid disappointment, wear an armour, box down a couple people if we have to.

So when that headache becomes unbearable take a couple panadols, exercise more, eat better don't let "PAIN" get the best of you.
Corey Graham
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