My Growth Mind set

I like to distinguish between a "goal mindset" and a "growth mindset." A person with a "goal mindset" has very tangible, numerical goals to achieve over a specific period of time. Nothing is wrong with clearly defined goals, but there's a better way of thinking that I call a "growth mindset." A growth mindset recognizes goals on the journey, but only as part of a process—not as the end results. John C Maxwell

I read this a few minutes ago and went wow!
This is what i have been doing all along. I have been doing all along! I have always seemed to set these "goals" that were not very specific by described a particular habit i wanted to cultivate or do.

Of late too i have been appreciated how many other things have been changing and how many tangible results i have been getting as a result of a commitment to these seemly not quite finished goals. Its not that your goals should not have targets in them, but growth goals allow you to keep going to keep developing .... they bring greatness. You know the enemy of great is good. If we set good goals and we reach them we tend to think we have arrived and never look at going on to greatness.

The best example of this are the goal oriented new years resolutions when some of them get attained by March ... its like the growth stops. I like goals that speak to a serious personal development. When i know that when I take the time to work the goal so many things around me will change and go to a higher level.
This is mindset that has always been with me, I have always aimed at becoming the person i need to be rather than just finding a wayto get the results. I am glad that I am now able to really grasp what this means!

This is my goal as i ascend to Corey Graham 2.0

Corey Graham 2.0
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