
Its interesting sometimes the way things occur in life. This blog was partly a spur of the moment decision to help me with my writing skills and my openness to the world.
Little did I know that it will change my life around in such a short space of time. My self image has growth. My thoughts have seemed to be more expressible. I have been able to help people and listen much better than I ever could in my life. Mainly because it always seemed like I had sooo much on my plate myself to deal with.
Its really allowed me to communicate this those around me.
I love myself because I am now able to help others. I am also growing and learning.
I have begun to realise more what things are important to me, my greatest assets were. My joy for creating and developing systems is coming forth more than ever. Also I am starting to really enjoy my creativity imagination, and understand how it must be epressed if it is ever to grow and go to the next level. The most creativy idea is worthless, if you can communicate it. This is a hard truth I had to accept I know because I had to face this reality when I started Drenalin.Productions. You can't lead a team of individuals, if you are unable to communicate your ideas in a way for them to understand. If people don't understand ya how can you inspire or motive ?

Also taking time out the day to build relationships with persons around you helps you build up yourself too and your character.
"As iron sharpheth iron so a man sharpens himself in the countenance of a friend."

I have seen that by spending time to develop strong and healthy relationships, we can make the right changes occur around us conscious and unconsciously.
Being in another's space takes a lot of deep thought and understanding that would allow you to truly benefit from the interaction.

Who are you and where are you going ? Is the question that will simplify things in your life.

Just remember don't lie to yourself about how you are feeling! Let ur emotions take their true form. Don't make them into something else, someone wants.

Use the energy from the emotions wisely, and you will see the difference that this can make in life.

Its sooo powerful.

Daily, I allow myself time to just focus on doing the thing that I want to do.
I allow myself to build up the skills I want.
More and more I am embarassing fears by taking it to the next level, growing in stature. And you know I am expecting more and more success. I expect that if I don't get it tommorrow, that I will get it the day after that!
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

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