Stand for Something

A few years ago I was sitting at a large rally of the Salvation Army church and I heard a message preached. It was a simple message that seemed that day to have more relavance at that time than another time. It was the first time I truly listened to what was being said in the message.
It was to stand for something, if not you stand for nothing and u will be pushed around.
Oh how powerful is this message and I have realised it been taking its influenvce over the last few weeks.
My life today I very different from what existed about 2 months ago, I find myself at some points on the verge of feeling flustered, by the unknown behind the next door.
But I have to remind myself that once I stand for something and stand strong its ok,
It doesn't matter what comes thru that door, its going to be ok, because I stand for something.
I know you will ask what is this something I stand for?
Well I stand for a way of life. A way I want to be remembered when I leave, the kind of man I want to become.
Yeah that's all written down somewhere, but its at times like these when life is looking fuzzy that I refer to these writings. I will one day refer to these writings daily, but for now, I use these writings on the kind of man I want to become, propel me forward. Every hiker checks his compass before continuing.
There was a time when I was really into hiking, I mean REALLY into hiking. This was with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and you know what?
The compass is what I always used to want to have. This I because my group was lost for 2 hours on saturday morn, in the "wilds" of barbados and it was not a nice feeling.
From that day I became a much better map reader and compass "operator" lol.
But really when the going got rough all we were left with was the compass, with the bearing set from the last checkpoint.
When trails disappeared this arrow in a bubble was or all in all.
When we go fuzzy directions from locals it was or direction.
So we have to keep our bearing set on our dreams and goals. Stand for them when people give us fuzzy directions, when the path disappears. Stand for something! Stand Strong let's reach for a greater existance.
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

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