Expect Good Things

Expect Good Things to happen and they well!

Coming off of my birthday and taking stock of my life I have shifted my attitude to several things and I have been more positive and focused on the future and really aiming to make things happen. I'm am aiming to work smart and combine my 25 years of learning on this earth into motion.
And lately I have been able to visualise more of what I want, and who I want to be in a very graphic way.
I have also been aiming to having an overall more balanced life and opportunities to do the things I love have just been popping up all over the place.

Its actually like The Secret (www.secret.TV is at work. I believe my lack of worrying and fearing that things won't work out has caused several small miricles to be occuring in my life. And all I can say is that I am finally allowing myself to expect good things to happen.
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