Little Children, Friends and family

If there is one thing I have always noticed, little children have always seemed to get attached to me, and I mean really attached. I do like children as I can feel their power.
I was taking to a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in a while.
She is now a school teacher in Harlem, and I asked her how is it maturing you,
What is important to you,
Her answer captured something I have thought all my life...that other people tend not to get,

Here is what she said,

"education, upliftment, truth, consciousness... b, when u teaching little
kids, whatever u tell them is the gospel, so u just need to make sure that
whatever u teach is coming from a real positive place. and only a positve
person and be coming from a positive place. so i had to put a lot of folly
aside, and concentrate on what is really important"

What more interesting is she calls herself "lioness". You see the vision of her protecting her children?

Yeah, this can extend even further to older persons, and adults. You know what I have found, in these last few months of really working to control my thoughts and think positive?
Adults want to have things coming from a real and positive place. This reality was released to me by the way I was treated
when I left my former place of employment.
Truly fascinating stuff, and quite fulfilling. Its good to be a force of positive influence in another's life, even if from a
Its powerful when u don't judge them, simply be a source of positive energy. Have to say I met a lady that loves cats that has a deep understanding of this.
This blog has allowed me to find an outlet to pass a positive energy out into the world.

I am excited about a friend of mine website which is going to be out there soon. All info is classified at this point.

How interesting life is, another friend of mine called me today to give the news of a child on the way. All info also classified at this point. This is also exciting to me.

Another good friend of mine will be back in the island soon for good.

Oh wow, hey I almost forgot my sister wants to go on a mission to the Middle East.
Yes, yes, for those reading who don't know who my sister is, she is Tamika Graham, Barbados Scholar, currently studying International Business at Aston University in England.
She will need to raise some funds for this. More info on this breaking news story that is not classified later!

What is interesting too, I reached a point in D'Journey where its not all about me!

Life is good, When? All the time!

Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

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