Taking a step, that needed to be taken

I am taking a step that needed to be taken, my world was shaken since I read this thought

"To believe in something, and not live it, is dishonest."~ Mahatma Gandhi

I started a job almost 2 years ago for the main reason to get some cash in my pocket quickly and attain some of the basics I needed to attain my dreams. A good example, which everyone reading this will instantly relate to is my camera.
Yip, the job was to pay the bills while I pursued my passions at every available opportunity outside of my job. The thinking was always that this was just temporary until I was able to find something which was more in tune with my basic dreams and aspirations for my life.
One of them to be able to a position myself in such a way that I will be able to enhance and develop my creative gifts and push for greater significance in my life.

I am now taking the next step and moving to a job which will allow me to explore my creative gifts across several mediums and experience and interact with persons who will rely heavily on these creative gifts to make a living.
yeah, its for me to be back into caribbean entertainment, with boomtribe.com, as web content producer.
Yeah, this position will require leadership and team building.
Yes, yes, those of you who know me well enough would know I am very much a believe in John C Maxwell leadership teachings.....I relate on my levels with his philosophies for leading people.
Over recent weeks I have noticed how without much effort, just with a little focus to become more accessible I have seen persons come to me and asking me to help them manage and market themselves as writers, singers, song writers. What was even more amasing is how easily some persons found it to express their deep and inner thoughts with myself.
All this was quite overwhelming and I daily seek clarity on my path for life.
So as I take this step to move closer to the type of person I want to become, I felt I need to keep D'Journey up to take with these significant events as they unfold.
Next step is to saying goodbye, to yesterday. I have not yet figured out exactly how I will do it....then again there is one way, but it requires a lot of work, hmmm. Can I pull it off?
Corey Graham
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