Sky is the limit

For the first time in my life I can say that I am beginning to feel that the sky is the limit.
I am really beginning to realise that with dedication, passion and desire that anything is possible.
Yes I know many would be shocked a bit by this, but its true. Deep down inside, I have been actually preventing myself from soaring.
A lot of times those around us that love us and intend the best for us start thinking along a line which will not get us to the sky. To get ready to fly. They cause us to talk ourselves out of or passions. And the saddest thing sometimes is that we might not know how much it affects us. Can you imagine that! even if you are "rebelling" against their thinking, they can still limit you greatly from acheiving your dreams. And it really comes to the forefront when you are tired, or stressed out, sometimes right at the time when you just needed to go for 1 more week, 1 more month!
Yeah we need to learn to give ourselves permission. LEARN TO GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO ACHEIVE GREAT THINGS. To do new things.
YOU have to give yourself permission because no one else will give it to you.

Yeah, this is a breakthrough moment for me.
The next thing I am realising more and more, we have to learn to deal with the passing of time.
" A watch pot never boils"
Focusing on your goals! Hey today, right now, look at your new years resolutions. I know some of you might not have made any, but think of the holiday season, and see what things you were considering accomplishing.
How has your time passed ?

How have you been dealing with the passage of time, hey don't feel bad, if you haven't accomplished any of them yet, just know that from today you can more actively go after these dreams.
Do it today, do it now. Just do it!

The most significant lesson I learnt is that mind gets what it orders. Like you don't go to a restuarant and order chicken and expect pork to return!!!! So don't set-up yourself for failure!
Order success today!
And remember learn to deal with the passage of time!!
Corey Graham
Sent via BlackBerry,

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